Object type
Place of origin

Stereoscopic camera (J.B.Dancer's Stereoscopic camera)


Stereo Hawkeye Model No 2 camera. Stereoscopic camera for roll film 118

circa 1904-1907

Stereo Realist 2.8 camera and everready case


Stereoscopic Spark Drum Camera


Voigtlander stereflextoscope camera for plates or cutfilm 6 x 13cm. Plates 4.5 x 10.7cm. With reflex finder. Lens standard has rising and fall movement. Fitted with a Voigtlander Heliars F.4.5, 75mm f.l. Shutter gives speeds 1 - 1/250 sec. Aperture can be set to 1. brief time and 2. time exposure. Setting the dial to 'M' operates the instantaneous shutter speeds. Also included is a case, four extra lenses and an instruction manual.

Voigtlander Stereflextoscope Camera and Case.


The Heidoscop stereo camera for plates or cutfilm 45 x 107mm giving stereo pictures 40 x 40 mm. Metal cast body with a grained black leather cover. Fitted with two Carl Zeiss Tessar lenses, F.4.5, 55mm f.l. With rising front movement operated by a milled knob placed at the bottom of the camera. Lenses mounted in a pneumatic stereo type compound shutter with speeds 1 - 1/300sec and B. & T. Rotating knob on left operates the lens standard and the right operates the focusing distance. Can be set for; Z, long time exposure, B for brief time and M. Included is a case and two extra lenses.

Heidoscop Stereo Camera for Plates or Cutfilm.


Voigtlander "Stereophotoscope" camera, with leather case, c.1910.

Voigtlander 'Stereophotoscope' camera, c 1910


Sangar Sheppard one-exposure 3-colour stereo camera, no lens, 1902.

One-Exposure Three-Colour Stereo Camera


Bellieni stereo camera, 1896.

Bellieni Stereo Camera


"Stereo Puck" roll film stereoscopic camera by Thornton Pickard, (1932-1937).

"Stereo Puck" Roll Film Stereoscopic Camera


35mm View-Master personal stereo camera with original carry case, manufactured by Sawyer’s Inc of Portland, Oregon from 1952 onwards. Complete with the original receipt for purchase from Jasper, Alberta, 1957. Also Sawyer's View-Master personal stereo camera type "A" filters in original packaging and a bottle of "Bango" quick glaze print gloss in original packaging, made by The Vanguard Manufacturing Co. Maindenhead.

35mm View-Master Stereo Camera


Nimslo 3-D 35mm camera. 35mm automatic 3 Dimension. Hot shoe.Automatic shutter, electronically programmed, 1/30 to 1/500 seconds. Serilal No.230910334. 30mm Quadra lens system; 30mm f/5.6 Air Spaced Triplets with coated high indexed optical glass elements, prefocussed to 6' (2 metres) to infiniity. Serial No 1202.

Nimslo 3-D 35mm camera


Metal bodied stereo camera for 44mm x 107mm plates. Fitted with two achromatic lenses with three apertures in sliding plate marked 012 T/I shutter, optical frame finder, shutter panels removed, convert to stereo viewer. Ground glass screen with provision for holding transparencies with one transparency. Camera No 16594. Jules Richard

Le Glyphoscope stereo camera/viewer


The 'Glyphoscope' stereo box camera for plates 1 3/4 x 4 1/4. With a two position guillotine shutter between the lens type. With fixed speed and time and three apertures; fully open, medium and small. The lenses are fixed focus Symmetrical types 61mm f.1 F.8. Viewing via a direct vision finder, mounted at side. The whole front of the camera can be detached to forma steroscopic viewer. Jules Richard, c.1900

'Glyphoscope' Stereo Box Camera

circa 1900

Solid body stereocamera for 45x105mm plates and lined case.

Richard Verascope camera and case

'The Challenge' a Stereoscopic folding bellows camera for negatives 4 3/4 x 6 1/2. Hinged front. With rack and pinion focusing. Screw between the lenses separates them. With two Ross London, Goerz patent double Anastigmat f.7.7 6" focal length. mounted into a Thornton Pickard stereo shutter blind with speeds 1/15 sec to 1/90sec B. &T. Mahogany with brass fittings. J Lizars, c 1908.

The Challenge Stereoscopic folding bellows camera


Stereolette stereo plate camera. Folding for 45 x 107mm plates. Fitted with two Aldis uni anastigmat lenses f/7.7-32. Double compound shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/B/T. Rack and pinion focusing, rack and pinion rising front. Spirit level. Folding optical frame finder (not original). Ground glass focusing screen. No. B 17315. Reflecting finder missing. W. Butcher.

Stereolette Stereo Plate Camera with Six Dark Slides and Case

Stereo Hawkeye camera for 3 1/2 inch rollfilm, 3 1/4 inch square pictures. Fitted with two rapid rectilinear lenses with rotating aperture plates with three apertures. Flip flop shutters with separate releases for T & I. Brilliant reflecting finder. With spirit level. Eastman Kodak Co.

No 2 Stereo-Kodak


'Le 'Self-Photo'' outfit. Wooden box containing a stereo camera for 44 x 104mm plates and flash outfit. Camera built in hinged on one edge, two simple fixed focus, aperture lenses taking through two holes in box front. Sliding spring loaded shutter actuated by pneumatic expander worked by bulb and tube which simultaneously actuates flashtray. This consists of a horizontal platform with depression for flashpowder, which is thrown onto a lighted taper laid in a tray at the back of the device, below a reflector which forms a lid when closed. Tray attached to the camera box by pivoted arm aiming by card with V lines on the back of a publicity photograph. Fitted with camera, flash tray, flash attaching arm, bottle of flash powder, flash powder measure, rubber bulb, tube and connecting T piece, 6 metal single metal darkslides and view finding card. With representatives trade card, E. Manal fils. Manufactured by Le Self-photo, 19 Rue Turgot, Paris 9.

'Le 'Self Photo'' Outfit

Stereo panoramic camera. Carl Zeiss, Jena Tessar lens 1: 4.5 f=12cm. The London Stereoscopic Company Ltd., Hanover Square, Regent St, W1. With lens caps on string. Overall (deployed): 210 mm x 190 mm x 170 mm.

Stereo panoramic camera. Carl Zeiss

Folding camera for 3 1/2 inch wide rollfilm. Two pictures 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. Two Bausch and Lomb rapid rectilinear lenses, US 4-64. Bausch and Lomb stereo automatic shutter 1/2/5/25/50/100/B/T. Pneumatic release valve. Rack and pinion focusing. Reflecting brilliant finder on baseboard no 2218. Eastman Kodak, 1912-1916.

Stereo Hawkeye Camera Model 6


Binocular form stereo camera for pairs of plates 90 x 78mm. Fitted with two rapid rectilinear type lenses with Wheel stops, four apertures. No. 13, 14,. Adjustbale shutter slow-fast. T. Screw focusing. Retractable optical finder. Adjsutbale for straight through ot reflecting view. Plates carried in sheaths (missin) changed by pullinghandle. Exposure counter. Made in France.

Homescope Stereo Camera

Heidoscop stereo camera, c 1927. Manufactured by Franke & Heidecke, Braunschweig. Camera no. 102082. For 6 1/2 x 14cm plates or rollfilm 1200 2 x 6cm square. Two Zeiss Tessar lenses F:7.5cm f/4.5-25 numbers 1216937 and 1216938. Reflex viewing lens Zeiss Schuker - triplet F;7.5cm f/4.2 No 1245798. Twin three blade shutters, 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B/T. Focusing knob rotates all three lenses ground glass reflex focusing screen with built in spirit level, hood with magnifier and hinged mirror for eye level viewing. Roll film back 31396. Overall (deployed): 145 mm x 180 mm x 140 mm.

Heidoscop stereo camera


Folding stand camera for 6 3/4 x 3 1/4 inch plates, tailgate type. Fitted with 2894 when received. No lenses. Rack and pinion focusing on the rear panel. Sliding rising front. Swing back. Swing up ground glass focusing screen. Cloth septum. G. Hare.

Hare stereoscopic camera

Verographe stereo camera. Solid body camera for 6 x 13cm plates. 2 Krauss Tessar lenses F:75mm f/6.3. Sliding plate with 3 apertures 6.3,8,11.3. Nos. 115051, 115056. Sliding plate shutter - open, time and instantaneous settings speed adjustment calibrated 1-5. Sliding focusing on lens tubes by lever. 2 focusing scales, one on each lens for colour and black and white plates. Colour/ black and white plate indicator. Folding optical frame finder with pin back sight. Push-pull magazine plate holder with 11 plate holders. No 6039. Manufactured by E.P.T. Paris. Overall: 72 mm x 170 mm x 130 mm.

Verographe stereo camera

Stereo puck camera, 1931. Box camera for 120 rollfilm and two 1 1/2 x 2 1/4 inch simple lenses of fixed aperture. Double rotary shutter T/I. Single reflecting finder. Prov. Patent 12602/31.

Stereo puck camera


Box camera for quarterplates 2 x 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Fitted with two simple lenses - sliding aperture plate with three apertures. Each lens can be blacked off by sliding strips. T/I/B shutter. Folding frame finder with pendulum level device, slides into camera top when folded. Ground glass focusing screen. No plateholders. No. 27279.

Cia stereo box camera

Hare stereo camera, made by G. Hare. Mahogany folding camera for 7 1/2" x 5" plates. No lenses, sliding single lens panel. Sliding rising front, front panel fixed and rear panel moves focusing by rack and pinion. Two-way swing back, square bellows, flexible divider, ground glass focusing screen.

Hare Stereo Camera

The Ariel stereo camera, c 1890. A collapsing camera for 7 x 3 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with two Wray stereo lenses F:5 inches, wheel stops, f/11, 16, 22, 23, 45 Nos. 4489, 4490. With a Thornton Pickard stereo shutter and a double spirit level. With ground glass focusing screen and two position focusing on two struts. With the retailers plate: 'Angus N Croyle, The Ascent, St. Leonard's. Leviathan. A. Jones Prov Patent No. 15577, 1890, 2 October.

Ariel stereo camera, c 1890


Bland stereo wet plate camera, c 1862. Manufactured by Bland and Co, 153 Fleet Street, London. Sliding wooden body camera for 7 1/4 x 4 1/2 inch wet plates. Holder fitted with adaptor for 6 1/2 x 2 3/4 inch dry plates. Lenses missing. One with flange. 5,8cm internal diameter. Rack and pinion lens separation 90-110mm. Sliding rising front. Sliding focusing on rear unit. Wooden septum. Ground glass focusing screen (glass missing) in sprung mount.

Bland Stereo Wet Plate Camera


Collapsing camera for 45 x 105mm plates 44 x 44mm x 2 x2 Contessa Nettel doppel anastigmat Citomar lenses F:6.5cm f/6.3-36 No.328559, 328560. With two Compur shutters 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/B/T. Rack and pinion focusing with preset stop. Brilliant reflecting rotating finder. Collapsing optical frame finder. Single lens cap for single picture taking. Ground glass focusing screen with folding hood. Contessa Nettel.

Duchessa stereo camera

Folding camera for 5 x 11.5cm plates, 2 x 4.5 x 4.5cm. Fitted with two lenses f/8-32. Coupled shutter I/T/B. Rack and pinion focusing, Ground glass focusing screen. Nos 123513 and 123514. No. 99989. ICA, Dresden.

Stereolette stereo camera


Folding stand camera for 6 3/4 x 3 1/4 inch plates. Fitted with two lancaster rectigraph lenses f/7-40 in Primus lens protector bags. Rack and pinion focusing. Sliding rising front. Swing back. Lancaster patent swing out focusing screen. J. Lancaster c.1890

Lancaster Stereo Instantograph camera


Richard Verascope stereoscopic camera. A solid metal body camera for 6 x 13cm, plates. Fitted with two Krauss Tessar Zeiss lenses F:85mm f/6.3-64, Nos 92632, 92640 with lens caps. With coupled shutters (and apertures) 9/21/24/36/90/130/T. Sliding and rising front. Brilliant reflecting finder and a folding optical frame finder (lens missing). Two circular spirit levels fitted. Two hinged holders behind lenses with 35mm square yellow filters. Push on accessory with three pairs of close up lenses in sliding plate. N.5521. Overall: 82 mm x 165 mm x 115 mm.

Richard Verascope stereoscopic camera

Stereophotochromoscope camera (? Ives). Box form camera for 5x7" plates; pair of lenses with reversing prisms for automatic transposition on negatives intended for production of transparencies. Flap shutter; rack focusing on sliding box with lenses. repeating back with focusing screen; filter/plate holder missing.

Stereophotochromoscope camera

Folding stereo camera for No 2 Bullseye film 3 1/2 inch wide. Two pictures 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch, two Bausch & Lomb rapid rectilinear lenses US4-64. Adjustable shutters 1/2/5/25/50/100/B/T. with pneumatic release valve. Rack and pinion rising front, rack and pinion focusing brilliant reflecting finder on baseboard.

Stereo Hawkeye Camera Model No 4


Solid body camera for 45 x 107mm plates. Fitted with two achromatic lenses, sliding plate with three apertures. Sliding shutter T?I. Folding optical frame finder. Shutter panel detaches to convert to stereoscope No.16417. Jules Richard

Le Glyphoscope camera and viewer


Folding camera for wet plates 4 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Fitted with two rapid rectilinear lenses with wheel stops f/11, 16, 22, 32, 44. Sliding rising front, rack and pinion focusing on rear panel. Tailgate construction. With single wetplate holder with silver wire corners. Negretti and Zambra. Overall (deployed): 130 mm x 140 mm x 200 mm.

Negretti and Zambra stereo wet plate camera


Stereo camera for 6 x 13cm plates. Fitted with a Saphir Boyer lenses F:8.5cm f/4.5 No 36401, other lens missing. Adjustable double sliding shutters, 1.5/1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B/T. Large optical frame finder, depth of field scale, ground glass focusing screen.

Summum Stereo Camera


Solid body stereo camera for 10.5 x 4cm plates, 2 x 4.6 x 4.2cm. Fitted with a Zeiss Tessar lenses F: 55mm, large and small apertures on sliding plate. Nos. 44673, No. 44974. Adjustable shutters slow to fast T. Brilliant reflecting finder and folding optical frame finder. Spirit level. Push pull changing box. No.10768. Jules Richards.

Richard Verascope camera

Sliding body camera for 7 1/2 x 4 3/4 inch plates. Three paires 2 1/2 x 2 1/4 inches. With two rapid rectilinear lenses f/8-64, sliding separation 2 - 2 3/4 inches. Rack and pinion focusing. Flap shutter missing. Repeating back with frame for three colour filters (missing) and a blockform double darkslide. Sanger Shepherd.

Sanger-Shepherd Colour Stereo Camera

Goerz anschutz stereoscopic camera . Collapsing "Klapp" camera for 9 x 18cm plates. Fitted with two Goerz Dagor series III lenses F: 125mm f/6.8-45, Nos 279163, 279175. Coupled helical focusing mounts.. Variable lens separation 6.5-8cm. Sliding rising and cross front. Cross permits single lens to be centred for panoramic pictures. Anschutz focal plane shutter, 7 widths, 3 speeds giving 22 speeds from 1/10-1/1200 sec B & T. Folding optical frame finder with blue rear lens. Ground glass focusing screen with hood. Stereo septum. Double lens cap. C.P. Goerx. c.1904

Goerz-Anschutz Stereoscopic Camera and Components


Folding stand camera 4 3/4x61/4 plates. Three lens panels with lenses: F: 31/2" Rotating stop plate, f .11,16,22,32,44, maker unknown. Dallmeyer 4" lenses with slot for Waterhouse stops Nos. 2055,2056 THH lenses F:6.1", rotating stop plate: f.11,16,22,32

Stereo plate camera, by Walker

Made by Lionel; Linex Corporation New York. Subminiature stereo camera using special 16mm film in magazine, film moved by pulling film tab. With instructions and specimen strip. Serial No 110409.

Linex Stereo Camera


Thornton Pickard special "Ruby" camera with anastigmat f2.5 Taylor-Hobson Cooke Series X lens, focal length 6 3/8 inches, 1928.

Thornton Pickard Special "Ruby", 1928


The Stereolett stero camera for plates or cutfilm 4.5 x 10.7 cm to give 4 x 4cm pictures. Fitted with two Dagor double Anastigmats F.6.8, 60mm f.l made by C P Goerz with a viewing lens positioned between the two. Speed dial of pneumatic stereo conpound type with speeds for B, brief time, Z for tiem exposures and M with operates the instantaneous. Has an optical brilliant waist level finder and direct vision finder on the eyepiece. Metal covered in grained black leather. ICA, c.1912. With one spare magazine and case.

The Stereolett stero camera for plates or cutfilm 4.5 x 10.7 cm.

circa 1912

Early stereoscopic camera by Ottewill with adjustment for eye separation, c. 1860 with focusing screen and plateholder.

Early Ottewill Stereoscopic Camera

circa 1860

Folding camera for plates 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches. Fitted with two Zeiss Tessar lenses F: 12cm f/6.3-45 Nos 169222, 169223. Double compound shutter, 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/200/B/T. Screw focusing. Sliding rising front, movement coupled to front lens of brillaint reflecting finder. Double spirit level on baseboard. No. 940. Ground glass screen with hood. Adams and Co c.1911.

Adams Stereo Vesta Camera


The 'Glyphoscope' stereo box camera for plates 1 3/4 x 4 1/4. With a two position guillotine shutter between the lens type. With fixed speed and time and three apertures; fully open, medium and small. The lenses are fixed focus Symmetrical types 61mm f.1 F.8. Viewing via a direct vision finder, mounted at side. The whole front of the camera can be detached to forma steroscopic viewer. Jules Richard, c.1900. In leather case with two darkslides.

'Glyphoscope' Stereo Box Camera

circa 1900

Zeiss Stereoscopic Camera for negatives 2 1/4" x 5" and a spare part; back ground glass focusing; shutter is a two position type with shutter settings, time and instantaneous.

Zeiss Stereoscopic Camera