active 1887 -1920s?, manufacturer of leather goods, picnic baskets and silver, London, ENgland

Drew and Sons

1887 - 1935

1891-active 1940s, silversmith; medalmaker, England

Alexander Clark Manufacturing Company Limited


1839-1902, manufacturing jeweller; goldsmith; silversith, London, England

Phillips Brothers and Sons

1839 - 1902

active 1890s-1900s, manufacturing goldsmith; silversmith; medallist, British

Collins, D George

1852-1936, cutlers and silversmiths, Sheffield

Martin, Hall and Company

1852 - 1936

active 1827-1835, goldsmith; silversmith; inventor of a type of medicine spoon, English, British

Gibson, Charles

1871-1924, silversmith; electroplater, Sheffield, England

Boardman, Glossop and Company Limited

1871 - 1924

active 1735-current, jeweller; goldsmith; silversmith, clock-maker; watchmaker, English

Garrard and Company Limited


1892-, silversmith, Glasgow

George Edward and Sons


active 1853-1958, silversmiths, Sheffield

Atkin Brothers

1853 - 1958

active early 20th century, silversmith, Birmingham

Charles Penny Brown

1913-2005, silversmith, British

Durbin, Leslie

1913 - 2005

1906-1938, flatware maker; silversmith, London, England

A C Bloxham Limited

1906 - 1938

1921-1936, silversmiths, Sheffield

Gladwin Limited

1827-1848, silversmiths, Birmingham

Taylor and Perry

1827 - 1848

1774-1850, active 1805-1839, silversmith, English; British

Bateman, William

1774 - 1850

1843-1897, silver smiths, London

Hunt and Roskell

1767-1827, silversmith, British

Taylor, Joseph

1767 - 1827

active 1880-1926, silversmith, goldsmith, London, English

Carrington, John Bodman

active 1827, silversmith, English

Knight II, William

1848-1898, silversmiths, London

Thomas Whitehouse

active c. 1790-c. 1845, silversmith working in Birmingham, English

Willmore, Joseph

1887-1974, politician and silversmith, British

Barnes, Alfred John

1887 - 1974

1709-1794, active 1761-1790, silversmith, English; British

Bateman, Hester

1709 - 1794

active 1843, silversmith, English

Rawlings, Charles and Summers, William

active 1827, silversmith, British

Keith, John James

active 1897-1940, silversmith, Sheffield, England

Watson and Gillot

1837- current (2012), jeweller; silversmith, New York city, United States

Tiffany and Company


d. 1805, active 1791-1799, silversmith, London, England

Bateman, Ann

Unknown - 1805

active 1809, silversmith, British

Hennell, Samuel

active 1827, silversmith, English

King, William

1792-1854, silversmith; dental supplier, British; English

Ash, Claudius

1792 - 1854

active 1767, silversmith, English?

Sheer, William

active 1790, silversmith, British?

Massey, Samuel

active 1793, silversmith, English

Pemberton, Samuel

active 1735-1736, silversmith, English

Cookson, Isaac

active 1871- active 1968, silversmith, electroplater, British

Lee & Wigfull

1879 - 1968

active c. 1845-1885, silversmith, jeweller, watchmaker, Wakefield, England

Loveday, James

1812 - 1885

1806-1992, silversmiths, platers and metal workers, Sheffield

James Dixon & Sons

1806 - 1992

1845-1963, silversmith, electroplater, cutler, Sheffield

Walker & Hall

1845 - 1963

1825-1928, silversmith, Birmingham

George Unite and Sons


1858-current (2010), jeweller; silversmith, Sheffield

Mappin & Webb


active 1681 - present (2010), cutlers and electroplaters, Sheffield

George Butler & Co


active c1938-1964, silversmith, Birmingham

Davies & Powers

active 1914-1940, silversmiths, electroplaters and medallists, London

J A Wylie & Co

active between 1671-1700, silversmith, English


active 1698, silversmith, English

Andrews, William

active 1820, silversmith, English; British

Knight, Geoffrey


Lloyd, Paine & Amiel

c1817-1970, cutler, silversmith, Sheffield, England

Joseph Rodgers & Sons