Place born
Organisation / Person
1884-1991, button, badge and medal makers, Birmingham

J R Gaunt and Son Limited

1884 - 1991

1836-1917, physician, British

Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett

1836 - 1917

goddess of Health; mythological daughter of Asclepius/Aesculapius, Greek


1960-1986, supplier of chemicals, Poole, England

BDH Chemicals Limited

active 1921-1947, publisher of psychological assessments, American

The Psychological Corporation


active 1828-1947, marine & aeronautical navigational instrument maker, London, England, British

Henry Hughes and Son Limited

1828 - 1947

Parkes, Alexander

1813 - 1890

1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

1904-1973, supplier of wholesale chemicals & drugs, England, British

British Drug Houses Limited

1904 - 1973

1819-1868, dentist who used anaesthetic; physician, American

Morton, William Thomas Green

1819 - 1868

1879-current (2020), manufacturer of surgical instruments, London, England

Downs Surgical Limited


active, 1900s-1968, optical instrument maker, Ealing, London, England

W Ottway and Company Limited

1827-1912, surgeon; physician; developer of a system of antiseptic surgery, English; British

Lister, Joseph

1827 - 1912

active 1887 -1920s?, manufacturer of leather goods, picnic baskets and silver, London, ENgland

Drew and Sons

1887 - 1935

1493-1541, alchemist; physician; astrologer; general occultist, Swiss


1493 - 1541

1941-1977, electronics, solar power, radio and television manufacturer, Los Angeles

Hoffman Electronics Corporation


Babbage, Charles

1791 - 1871

1818-1865, physician, Hungarian

Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp

1818 - 1865

GEC Alsthom Limited

1930s-1978, manufacturer of uniforms and helmets, England

J Compton Sons and Webb Limited

1930 - 1978

1888-1971, medical scientist; inventor, American

Rife, Royal Raymond

1888 - 1971

1889-2006, electrical equipment manufacturer, British

General Electric Company Limited

1889 - 2006

English Electric Company Limited

Patient of Edward Jenner; First person to received Vaccination

Phipps, James

1788 - 1853

active 1925-1998, manufacturer of pharmaceutical and medical supplies, Liverpool

Evans Medical Limited

1925 - 1998

Wright, Elsie

1901 - 1903

1635-1703, natural philosopher, Isle of Wight, England, English

Hooke, Robert

1635 - 1703

1845-c1955, optical instrument, lens and camera makers, Germany

Emil Busch AG


1800-1890, social reformer; civil servant, British

Chadwick, Sir Edwin

1800 - 1890

1931-1992, typefounding machinery and typeface design, British

The Monotype Corporation Limited

1931 - 1992

1838-1907, chemist, English; British

Perkin, Sir William Henry

1838 - 1907

active 1861-1900s, linear measure maker, Birmingham, England

John Rabone and Sons

1749-1823, physician; surgeon; pioneer of smallpox vaccination, British; English

Jenner, Edward

1749 - 1823

active 1829-1895, microbiologist; chemist, French

Pasteur, Louis

1822 - 1895

1786-1901, brand name used to 1990s, cigarette manufacturer; tobacco company, Bristol, England

W D and H O Wills Limited

1786 - 1901

active 1986-1997, manufacturer of healthcare equipment, Uppsala, Sweden, Swedish

Pharmacia Biotech

1986 - 1997

1897-1996, manufacturer; engineer, Birmingham, England

Joseph Lucas Limited

active c. 1894-1968, optical instrument maker, London, England

R and J Beck Limited

1867 - 1968

1853-1914, police officer, French

Bertillon, Alphonse

1853 - 1914

active 1960s-1990s, linear measure (tapes & rules) manufacturer; England

Rabone Chesterman Limited


active 1829-1928, surgical instrument maker, London, England, British

Arnold and Sons

1829 - 1928

1898-1931, recording company; gramophone and radio manufacturer, British

Gramophone Company Limited

1898 - 1931

1813-1979, manufacturer, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, British

W and T Avery Limited

1813 - 1979

Swan, Joseph Wilson

1828 - 1914

Muybridge, Florado Helios

1873 - 1944

active 1897-1968, laboratory apparatus and instrument maker, London, England

Baird and Tatlock (London) Limited

1897 - 2012

1896-1991, printer, London

Thomas De La Rue and Company Limited

1958 - 1991

Walker, John

1781 - 1859

1863-1944, chemist; inventor, Belgian; American

Baekeland, Leo Hendrik

1863 - 1944

active 1944-1954, laboratory apparatus & instrument maker, London, England

W and J George and Becker Limited

1910 - 1954