Essay by Robert Stephenson on the construction of the Rocket locomotive

Page 1 Front Essay by Robert Stephenson on the construction of the Rocket locomotive Page 2 and 6 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the Page 3 and 4 Page 2 and 6 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the Page 9 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the Page 7 and 8 Page 9 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the Page 13 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the Page 11 and 12 Page 13 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the Page 2 and 6 Page 9 and 10 Page 13 and 10

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Page 1 Front
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum,London
National Railway Museum, York

©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London.
National Railway Museum, York

Page 2 and 6 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London

Page 3 and 4
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London.
National Railway Museum, York

Page 2 and 6 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London

Page 9 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London

Page 7 and 8
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London.
National Railway Museum, York

Page 9 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London

Page 13 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London

Page 11 and 12
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London.
National Railway Museum, York

Page 13 and 10 , from 14 page essay by Robert Stephenson on the
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London

Page 2 and 6
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London.
National Railway Museum, York

Page 9 and 10
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London.
National Railway Museum, York

Page 13 and 10
©The Board of Trustees of The Science Museum, London.
National Railway Museum, York

An essay by Robert Stephenson regarding the construction and design of the Rocket locomotive. Essay was sent to Samuel Smiles to aid in the writing of his biography of George Stephenson, father of Robert. Essay comprises of 14 hand-written pages numbered from 1 to 13 (missing one page) and beginning with 'The two separate blast pipes in the Rocket…'.


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