Translation in one volume of 'The Art of Metals (Ores) in which is taught the true method of treating by mercury those of gold and silver: the manner of smelting them all and how they are to be refined and separated from one another'
Collection of papers compiled by Prof. A.L.L. Baker relating to Channel Tunnel project of the early 1970s
Volume entitled: "Die Gipsbrennerei im Kleinen oder Praktische Anweisung, den roh gemahlenen Gips in jeder beliebigen Quantitat ohne Brennofen und Kostspielige Apparate in einer Stunde so zu brennen, das derselbe der Bindekraft des englischen Cements gleich und uberdies noch billiger im Preise, als der auf den gewohnlichem Wege gebrannte Gips, zu stehen kommt"
Volume entitled: "Early Days of the Electrical Industry, and Other Reminiscences of Alexander P. Trotter"
Volume entitled: "Hipparchus of Bithynia. Of the Phenomena of Aratus and Eudoxus. The 3rd Exposition out of Book 3 in 3 Expositions"
Collection of notebooks for traditional 'A' level physics course at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Gainsborough
Bound manuscript translation entitled: "The Evolution & Future of Large Sailing Ships" by Professor W. Laas; translated by James Hayes