243 photographic prints, 315 negatives, 119 contact sheets, 21 items, 3 files

The British Steel INGOT Magazine Archive

8 contact sheets

Contact sheets of British Waterways, unknown photographer

7 photographs

Photographs of 'Remploy' workers making furniture and shoes by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Remploy - Work for the Disabled"

8 contact sheets

Contact sheets of 'Remploy' workers making furniture and shoes by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Remploy - Work for the Disabled"

28 negatives

Negatives of British Waterways, unknown photographer

10 photographs

Assorted photographs of workers changing the roll on the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer

1 photograph

Photograph of a worker cutting or folding leather at a table by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Remploy - Work for the Disabled"

28 negatives, 8 contact sheets

Contact sheets and negatives of British Waterways, unknown photographer

1 photograph

Photograph of a worker using a hammer on the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer (INGOT 27, page 34)

2 photographs

Photographs of a Cameflex camera taken by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Film in Industry"

38 negatives

Negatives of 'Remploy' workers making furniture and shoes by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Remploy - Work for the Disabled"

1 photograph

Photograph of a worker moving the roll from the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer (INGOT 31)

13 negatives, 6 photographs, 2 contact sheets, 1 item

Photographs, contact sheets and negatives by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Film in Industry"

1 photograph

Photograph of a large metal roll from the hot strip mill being transported at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer (INGOT 29, page 35)

2 photographs

Photographs of a microscope in a 'hot box' taken by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Film in Industry"

4 negatives, 2 photographs, 1 contact sheet

Photographs, contact sheet and negatives of workers at an unknown location operating a Redington Counting Machine, photographer unknown (INGOT 40)

4 contact sheets

Contact sheets of a steam train, walls containing fossils and a road near Crosby mine by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Frodingham Ironstone"

1 photograph

Photograph of a Redington Counting Machine, photographer unknown (INGOT 40)

1 item

Order form for requesting a 12 x 10 print from contact sheets of the River Severn ferry crossing by Peter Hewitt

15 negatives, 4 contact sheets, 1 item

Contact sheets and negatives by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Frodingham Ironstone"

1 photograph

Photograph of cars queuing for the River Severn ferry crossing by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Severn Bridge"

17 negatives, 4 contact sheets, 2 items, 1 photograph

Photographs, contact sheets and negatives by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Severn Bridge"

17 negatives

Negatives of the River Severn ferry crossing by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Severn Bridge"

4 contact sheets

Contact sheets of the River Severn ferry crossing by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Severn Bridge"

3 contact sheets

Contact sheets of 'Smith's Crisps' produced by Peter Hewitt

3 negatives

Negatives showing various images of fossils arranged on a table by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Frodingham Ironstone"

1 item

Order form for requesting prints from contact sheets of a steam train, walls containing fossils and a road near Crosby mine by Peter Hewitt

1 photograph

Photograph of a steel works with superimposed person and sparks, photographer unknown

1 item

Order form for requesting prints from negatives of various scenes at Folkestone Warren by Peter Hewitt

7 negatives

Negatives of 'Newport Site, Summer 1959' taken by Peter Hewitt

5 contact sheets

Contact sheets produced by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Trade Route Under the Channel"

7 negatives, 4 photographs, 1 contact sheet, 1 item

Photographs, contact sheet and negatives of Foyles and The Times Bookshop by Peter Hewitt (INGOT 34)

6 photographs

Photographs of 'Newport Site, Summer 1959' taken by Peter Hewitt

5 photographs

Photographs of waves crashing in the English Channel by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Trade Route Under the Channel"

7 negatives

Negatives of Foyles and The Times Bookshop by Peter Hewitt (INGOT 34)

1 photograph

Photograph of Bill Arnold entering a pilot tunnel at Folkstone Warren by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Trade Route Under the Channel"

1 contact sheet

Contact sheet of Foyles and The Times Bookshop by Peter Hewitt (INGOT 34)

4 contact sheets

Contact sheets of beach scenes, unknown photographer

1 photograph

Photograph of Bill Arnold inside a pilot tunnel at Folkestone Warren by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Trade Route Under the Channel"

38 negatives, 9 photographs, 8 contact sheets

Photographs, contact sheets and negatives by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Remploy - Work for the Disabled"

1 item

Order form for requesting prints from contact sheet of Foyles and The Times Bookshop by Peter Hewitt (INGOT 34)

16 negatives

Negatives of beach scenes, unknown photographer

1 photograph

Photograph of a worker using a machine to cut leather by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Remploy - Work for the Disabled"

5 items

INGOT Magazines

198 negatives, 52 photographs, 48 contact sheets, 8 items

Photographs, contact sheets and negatives by Peter Hewitt for INGOT magazine

2 contact sheets

Contact sheets produced by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "The Film in Industry"

15 photographs

Photographs of the hot strip mill machine having its rolls changed at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer (INGOT 27 - 31)

3 contact sheets

Contact sheets of a white house, cranes retrieving iron ore and boats carrying boxes of tin plate, taken by Peter Hewitt

1 photograph

Photograph of a worker near the roll from the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer (INGOT 30)

1 photograph

Photograph of a worker activating the danger sign on the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer (INGOT 28, page 34)