Photographs of 'Remploy' workers making furniture and shoes by Peter Hewitt for INGOT picture story "Remploy - Work for the Disabled"

Seven black and white prints taken by Peter Hewitt, on behalf of Richard, Thomas & Baldwins Ltd, containing images of ‘Remploy’ workers making furniture and shoes. The prints were considered for use in the picture story “Remploy - Work for the Disabled” by Correlli Burnett, December 1958 issue, pp. 10-12, but they were not chosen for publication.

Images consist of:

Two 11.8 x 8.9 inch, black and white prints showing an image of a ‘Remploy’ worker with an artificial hand sanding a wooden table and an image of a worker holding a shoe sole whilst sat next to hammer.

Two 11.8 x 9.2 inch, black and white prints. The first shows two ‘Remploy’ workers outside with a wooden structure. One of the men is using a hammer on the structure and the other man holds it to keep it in place. In the second image, a man in a hat and glasses uses his artificial hand to hold a piece of wood in place on a table.

One 11.7 x 9.6 inch, black and white print showing a ‘Remploy’ worker sitting at a table whilst sewing soles on to shoes. On the table is a hammer and two pairs of pliers.

One 11.7 x 7.9 inch, black and white print showing a ‘Remploy’ worker using an industrial spray gun to paint or varnish a wooden desk.

One 10.5 x 9.7 inch, black and white print showing a ’Remploy’ worker using a metal instrument attached to a black tube, possibly an industrial screwdriver, to assemble a metal item


7 photographs
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