Eight contact sheets containing images taken by an unknown photographer, on behalf of Richard, Thomas & Baldwins Ltd, to be considered for use in an issue of INGOT magazine. Seven of the sheets are labelled ‘RTB 1’ to ‘RTB 7’ and the images show a journey via canal boat on a barge with ‘British Waterways Fulbourne’ painted down the side.

They include various shots of people steering or sitting on the canal barge; people on the barge using a lock; a barge filled with stones or similar material; cranes removing material from barges; swans on the canal; a woman using rope to moor a barge; a barge passing under a bridge; a sign saying ‘British Waterways Union Canal’; a building at the side of the canal, possibly a warehouse; a child playing at the side of the canal. The eighth sheet (labelled just RTB) contains images of a boat called ‘Grebe’ and also includes some shots of a children’s sports day or event.

It is unknown whether any of these images were published in INGOT magazine


8 contact sheets
Open Access

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