Photograph of men collecting iron ore from container by John Chillingworth (INGOT 29, page 7)

One 9.5 x 6.6 inch, black and white print showing two men stood inside a large container of iron ore. One man is wearing overalls and lace up boots and is holding a hammer. He is holding some of the material from the container in one of his hands. The other man is wearing a hat, a long coat and wellington boots and has a leather bag to gather material. In the background are some cranes and a building labelled ‘No 3 Transit Shed'.

The print has a yellow job sticker on the back with the following details: Job: Ingot 029 p7, Screen: 120, Height: 2 7/8 inches, Width: 4 inches, Notes: Retouch

Sticker suggests this image was published (INGOT 29, page 7) but the date of issue is unknown


1 photograph
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