Assorted photographs of workers changing the roll on the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer

Ten black and white prints taken by an unknown photographer to be considered for use in INGOT magazine. These images show part of the process for changing the rolls on the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works of Richard, Thomas and Baldwins Ltd. These prints do not have any INGOT job stickers so are unconfirmed if published:

Six 11.8 x 7.8 inch, black and white prints with images showing a man smoking while two workers in overalls work at a machine; a man crouched down and viewed from behind a machine; a mill roll being moved by crane and held by workers; a man in a hard hat writing on a roll with chalk; a line of rolls with men moving a roll by crane in the background; men viewed from behind whilst moving a large roll by crane.

One 11.4 x 8.1 inch, black and white print showing a group of workers using a crane to move a roll from out of the mill.

One 11.5 x 9.3 inch, black and white print showing a group of workers in overalls using a crane to move a large metal roll across the factory floor.

Two 11.3 x 9.5 inch, black and white prints showing two men wearing suits talking to each other and a group of workers using a crane to remove a roll from the mill machine. This image is slightly blurred


10 photographs
Open Access

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