Photograph of a worker using a hammer on the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works, unknown photographer (INGOT 27, page 34)

One 11.4 x 7.9 inch, black and white print taken by an unknown photographer to be considered for use in INGOT magazine. This image shows part of the process for changing the rolls on the hot strip mill at Ebbw Vale Works of Richard, Thomas and Baldwins Ltd. It comprises of two men in overalls and hardhats standing at the hot strip mill machine. One of the men holds on to a part of the mill whilst the other holds a large sledgehammer in the air and is about to hammer part of the machine. In the background, a group of men observe their actions.

The print has a yellow job sticker on the reverse with the following details: Job: INGOT 27 p34, Screen: 120, Height: 3 3/4, Width: 6, Notes: No spotting. Pencil marks on the reverse indicate where the photograph should be cropped for publication. ‘Jan 1960 Men at Work’ has also been written on the reverse in pencil, likely indicating that this image appears in the “Men at Work” picture story for that year and month


1 photograph
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