Four black and white prints taken by an unknown photographer, on behalf of Richard, Thomas & Baldwins Ltd, containing images of beach scenes. These prints do not have any INGOT job stickers so it is unknown whether any of the images were published in an issue of INGOT magazine.

Images consist of:

One 11.4 x 9.4 inch, black and white print showing waves crashing against a wooden structure in the sea, possibly an old jetty. Also includes one duplicate 11.3 x 8.8 inch copy of this print.

One 11.3 x 9.5 inch, black and white print showing a wooden structure stretching out across the sand and into the sea.

One 11.5 x 9 inch, black and white print showing a close up of some long grass with sand and the sea in the background


4 photographs
Open Access

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