The British Steel INGOT Magazine Archive

An archive of photographic prints, marked contact sheets and negatives (1957-1963) commissioned by Richard, Thomas & Baldwins Limited (later British Steel) for their in-house magazine INGOT. The archive includes work by photographer John Chillingworth as well as images by staff photographers or external agencies, such as Peter Hewitt (associate editor), the Air Ministry Photographic Reproductions Brand, Peter Waugh, Adolf Morath, Frank Pocklington, Rolt Hammond and John Laing and Sons Ltd.

Some of the prints have yellow INGOT job stickers which confirm their publication in specific picture stories within INGOT magazine. Some of the prints contain little to no information and are unconfirmed if published.

Also includes three issues of INGOT magazine (1958) and research materials relating to the writing of the picture story article "Full Speed Ahead on British Motorways" by Rolt Hammond


243 photographic prints, 315 negatives, 119 contact sheets, 21 items, 3 files
Open Access
System of Arrangement:
The British Steel INGOT Magazine Archive is arranged by picture story and by photographer. The original order of this archive has been maintained and is arranged as follows: BSIM/1: INGOT magazines BSIM/2: Photographs and contact sheets by John Chillingworth BSIM/3: Photographs, contact sheets and negatives by Peter Hewitt BSIM/4: Contact sheets and negatives by Frank Pocklington BSIM/5: Photographs by Adolf Morath BSIM/6: Photographs by Peter Waugh BSIM/7: Photographs by the Air Ministry Photographic Repro Brand BSIM/8: Photographs, contact sheets and negatives by unknown photographers BSIM/9: Photographs, negatives and research materials relating to INGOT picture story "Full Speed Ahead on British Motorways"

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