Place born
Organisation / Person

Brown, Arthur Whitten

1886 - 1948

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Russell, John Scott

1808 - 1882

Rastrick, John Urpeth

1780 - 1856

Crew, Henry

1859 - 1953


1819 - 1901

Lywood, Oswyn George William

1895 - 1957

Cobb, James

1756 - 1818

Tutton, Alfred Edwin Howard

1864 - 1938

Mitchell, Katherine Jane Margaret

1923 - 2006

Lovelock, James Ephraim

1919 - 2022

Hale, George Ellery

1868 - 1938

Locke, Joseph

1805 - 1860

Wilkinson, Michael Marlow Umfreville

1831 - 1916

Faden, William

1749 - 1836

King, Philip Parker

1793 - 1856

Curtis, Ian

1956 - 1980

Baly, Edward Charles Cyril

1871 - 1948

Beer, Wilhelm

1797 - 1850

1770-1832, anatomist; surgeon, Italian

Uccelli, Filippo

1770 - 1832

1931-2003, computer artist, United States, American

Mason, Maughan Sterling

1931 - 2003

Collector of prints and drawings.

Goldschmidt, Rudolf Philip

1840 - 1914

c.1920-1928, radio and aerial manufacturer, Massachusetts, US

Amplifex Radio Corporation

1920 - 1928

1801-1883, physicist, inventor, Belgium

Plateau, Joseph

1801 - 1883

1900-1972, physician; ophthalmologist, Welsh; British

Pugh, Mary Agnes

1900 - 1972

active 1830s-1860s, sculptor; medallist, French

Vauthier-Gallé, Adrien

1818 - 1899

1853-1917, inventor; camera manufacturer; manufacturer of optical devices; camera retailer, Belgian

van Neck, Louis

1853 - 1917

1901-1968, poster artist, British

Merriott, Jack

1901 - 1968

1873-1928, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Sims, Charles Henry

1873 - 1928

1896-1985, poster artist; marine and landscape artist, British

Sherwin, Frank

1896 - 1985

1647-1712?, physicist; natural philosopher, French

Papin, Denis


1882-1973, son of Edgar Tarry Adams, British

Adams, Francis Norris

1882 - 1973

1801-1875, optical instrument inventor, Italian

Porro, Ignazio

1801 - 1875

1773-1858, botanist; explorer; gardener; traveller, French

Bonpland, Aime Jacques Alexandre

1773 - 1858

1799-1883, bobbin manufacturer; aeronautical engineer; portrait photographer, English, British

Stringfellow, John

1799 - 1883

1834-1922, shipowner, Scottish; British

Sutherland, Sir Thomas

1834 - 1922

1880-1976, manufacturer of machinery, Bad Homburg, Germany

Maschinenfabrik Michael KAMPF KG

1880 - 1976

1913-1971, physician; professor of anatomy, British

Harris, Geoffrey Wingfield

1913 - 1971

1857-1932, bacteriologist, Scottish; British

Ross, Sir Ronald

1857 - 1932

active 1979-2003, marine engineers, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, British

Woodcoxon Engineering (International) Limited

1979 - 2003

1851-1865, railway company, Glamorgan, Wales

Vale of Neath Railway

1851 - 1865

1880-1958, sexologist; advocate of birth control, British; Scottish

Stopes, Marie

1880 - 1958

1884-1976, Locomotive engineer, British

Hawksworth, Frederick W

1884 - 1976

1765-1854, inventor of apparatus for saving life from shipwrecks, British

Manby, George William

1765 - 1854

1842-1920, inventor; industrialist, Swedish

Nordenfelt, Thorsten Wilhelm

1842 - 1920

1885-1940, railway company, Somerset

Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway

1885 - 1940

1854-1932, medical health officer; toxicologist, British; English

Hill, Alfred Bostock

1854 - 1932

1854-1918, cinematography pioneer, American

Acres, Birt

1854 - 1918

1858-1929, physician, British

Davies, Arthur Templer

1858 - 1929

1877-1933, poster artist; illustrator, British

Higgins, Reginald Edward

1877 - 1933