Records of Aerocem Ltd

Spare parts 'catalogue' for taximeter, Heron Rogers production type

Volume entitled: "Barton's Ruling Engine Manuscript"

Volume entitled: "The English Farm wagon"

Master of Technical Science thesis entitled: "History of Fenton Murray & Wood"

Volume entitled: "History of Elkington & Co. by Robert Eadon Leader"

Photographic albums relating to Charles Rolls

Volume containing geometrical drawings in ink and coloured washes

Manuscript entitled: "Charcoal Burning in the Forest of Dean by Herbert Curwen"

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Photograph album of Petrochemicals Ltd.

Alchemy notebook entitled: "Arcanum der anderen Universal Medicin"

The Application of Computers to Taxonomy by Peter Henry Andrews Sneath

Vorlesung uber theoretische Mechanik by Christian Felix Klein

Translation in one volume of 'The Art of Metals (Ores) in which is taught the true method of treating by mercury those of gold and silver: the manner of smelting them all and how they are to be refined and separated from one another'

Collection of papers compiled by Prof. A.L.L. Baker relating to Channel Tunnel project of the early 1970s

Geometry for Children by Horace Grant

Bound manuscript volume entitled: "Diary of a Week in North Wales By Henry Sharrock"

Notebook entitled: "Chemical Notes: Analyses"

Apprentices Record of A.E. Flood at Simms' Motor Units Limited

The Berner collection relating to cable ships

Account of the construction of the Morley Tunnel, Leeds Dewsbury & Manchester Railway

Collection of glass lantern slides relating to the Manchester Dry Dock Co Ltd

Scottish letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for obtaining sulphur, sulphurous acid and other products from pyrites

Yorath Lewis Archive

Letters patent (no. 1471) granted to Joseph Rothery and Andrew Rothery for 'Improvements in Machinery or Apparatus for cutting coal, stone and other minerals'

Memorabilia album from Union-Castle line cruise to South Africa, outward on RMMV Winchester Castle, and return on MV Carnarvon Castle

Collection of pocket diaries by 296 Private Alex L. Russell

Letters patent (no.522) granted to William Millard for 'Improvements in Jacquard looms'

Letters patent (no. 2871) granted to Henry Woodcroft Hammond for 'An Improved Compound Blower'

Portrait photograph of Charlotte Wilsdon

Worthington Archive

NASA Conversion Tables for Velocities manual

Memorabilia album from SS Arandora Star’s voyage to the West Indies

Kenneth Cantlie Archive

Letter from Queen Victoria relating to chloroform assisted birth

Purvis Archive

Letters patent (no. 1216) granted to Joseph Webb for 'Improvements in Rotary Engines'

Drawing of broad wheeled Sussex waggon as used in the counties Sussex & Kent, Southern England circa 1700-1930

Collection of documents relating to Arthur John Bohringer, automobile engineer and designer

Letter from Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg to Mattw. Boulton Esq.

Final Apollo 11 Flight Plan

Letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for 'Improvements in treating Pyrites to obtain Sulphur, Sulphurous Acid and other products'

Wilkes & Ashmore Archive

Drawings and Technical Information Produced by W.F. Stanley and Co. Ltd.

Letters patent (no. 1684) granted to Henry Adams re his 'Invention for "A Revolving Ventilator'

London & North Eastern Railway and Successors Clock Record Ledgers

Certificate admitting Samuel Argall to the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of Padua