1886-1926, optical instrument and camera manufacturer, Berlin

C P Goerz

1886 - 1926

1866-1943, co-founder and president of the Indian Motocycle Company, Connecticut, USA, American

Hendee, George N

1866 - 1943

1860-1984, Milton Bradley Company; taken over by Hasbro, Inc. 1984-, American

Milton Bradley Company

1860 - 1984

1886-1997, power generation, electronics, manufacturing and broadcasting conglomerate, United States

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

1886 - 1997

1918-1968, industrial manufacturer, Rugby and Coventry, Warwickshire; Bradford, Yorkshire; Preston, Lancashire, England, British

English Electric Company Limited

1918 - 1968

1876-1987, manufacturer, Leeds


1876 - 1987

c.1925-1980, canned and dried food manufacturers, Brighton, Sussex, England, British

H. J. Green & Co. Ltd

active 1898-1968, compressor/engineering product manufacture, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, British

Broom and Wade Limited

1898 - 1968

1982-1988, pharmaceutical manufacturer, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, English

Ortho-Cilag Pharmaceutical Limited

1982 - 1988

1862-1969, brand 1862-1988, confectionary manufacturer, British


1862 - 1988

1886-1924, lens manufacturer, Leicester, England

Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Limited

1886 - 1924

1883-1928, light bulb filament manufacturer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Royal Ediswan

1883 - 1928

1864-1959, submarine telegraph cable manufacturer, British

Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co. Limited

1864 - 1959

1883-1991, telecommunications manufacturer, London

Standard Telephones and Cables PLC

1883 - 1991

1824-1884, scientific instrument maker, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Scottish; British

White, James

1824 - 1884

1945-active (2008), manufacturer,

Matisa Ltd


1898-1903, locomotive manufacturer, Glasgow

Neilson Reid and Company

1898 - 1903

1920-1978, camera manufacturer, Germany


1920 - 1978

1913-2005, silversmith, British

Durbin, Leslie

1913 - 2005

1845-1902, carriage and wagon manufacturer, Saltley, Birmingham

Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited

1845 - 1902

1823-1877, engineer; manufacturer, German

Schäffer, Bernhard

1823 - 1877

1907-1972, components manufacturer, Warwick

Eagle Engineering Co

1907 - 1972

1888-1899, signal manufacturer, British

Dutton and Company

1888 - 1899

c.1920-1939, radio and battery manufacturer and retailer, London

Amplion Limited

1920 - 1939

1930-1949, television parts manufacturers, British

Scophony Limited

1930 - 1949

1958-1983, microfiche manufacturer, London

Scottish Instruments Limited

1958 - 1983

1896-1967, telecommunications equipment manufacturer; scientific instruments, Cambridge, England

Pye Limited

1896 - 1967

1910-1927, synthetic lacquer manufacturer, Birmingham, England, English; British

Damard Lacquer Company Limited

1910 - 1927

1986-1995, manufacturer of video cameras and related products, Netherlands

Broadcast Television Systems Incorporated

1986 - 1995

active about 1920-1935, manufacturer of radio valves, Harrow, Middlesex, England, British

Hivac Limited

1920 - 1935

1939-1981, cine camera and projector manufacturer, St Etienne

Heurtier et Cie

1939 - 1981

1732-1792, inventor of cotton-spinning machinery and cotton manufacturer, English; British

Arkwright, Sir Richard

1732 - 1792

1865-1965, locomotive manufacturer, Sheffield

Yorkshire Engine Company

1865 - 1965

1856-1932, manufacturer; inventor, British

Beard, Robert Royou

1856 - 1932

1815-1883, manufacturer, German

Budenberg, Christian Friedrich

1815 - 1883

1936-1999, plastics manufacturer (optics), London, Slough; England, British

Combined Optical Industries Limited

1936 - 1999

1919- c1965, electrical instrument manufacturer, Weybridge, Surrey

Peto Scott Electrical Instruments

1919 - 1965

1895-1991, photographic goods manufacturer, Stuttgart

G.A. Krauss

1895 - 1991

1897-1927, Engineering Company, Elswick, Newcastle upon Tyne

Armstrong, Whitworth and Company

1897 - 1927

1851-1964, foundry and manufactury, Newton Moor, United Kingdom

Daniel Adamson & Co

1851 - 1964

1950-2000, manufacturer car parts, electronics, consumer goods, Indianapolis

Arvin Industries Incorporated

1950 - 2000

1930-1952, audio, phonographic products and magnetic recording manufacturer, Cleveland, United States

Brush Development Company

1930 - 1952

1931-1951, manufacturer,American

True-Vue Company

1931 - 1951

1827-1928, lathes and precision tool manufacturer, London, England, British

Holtzapffel and Company

1827 - 1928

1837-1935, soap powder manufacturers, West Bromwich, England, British


1837 - 1935

active 1868-1982, adhesive products manufacturer, London

Samuel Jones and Company Limited

1868 - 1982

1889 - current (2009), breathing and gas analysis equipment manufacturer, Lubeck, Germany, German



1937-1963, camera manufacturer, Japanese

Riken Kōgaku Kōgyō K.K.

1967 - 1963

active 1828-1947, marine & aeronautical navigational instrument maker, London, England, British

Henry Hughes and Son Limited

1828 - 1947

1875-1914, textiles manufacturing firm, Scottish, Scotland

Alexander Morton and Company

1875 - 1914