Photo of a page from a magazine containing an article relating to the South Kensington Museum
A photograph of a page from a magazine from 1899 containing an article entitled 'The South Kensington Museum A Retrospect'. This includes 3 photographs entitled 'The Refreshment Room erected by the Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1851', 'Clearing the Ground for the Museum in 1857' and 'The Original Entrance to the Museum: "The Boilers"'. There is also an engraving entitled 'The Prince Consort Inspecting in 1861 the model of the 1851 Exhibition Memorial near the Sheepshanks Gallery'.
- Extent:
1 photograph
- Identifier:
- CORP/SCM/Z/111/40/37
- Access:
- Open access
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions