National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Documentation, Policy and Procedures: General policies - procedure for supply of copy drawings from NRM collections fro commercial model makers (2003); proposal for the National Railway Museum taking on the national function for Collections Documentation and Information Management; NRM Overseas Locomotive Collecting Policy; NRM Photographic collection Access Policy (2000); Whistleblowing Policy for Dealing with "Serious Malpractice"; NRM Archive Section Short-term stores policy and work programme (2001); NRM Pass-Out Procedure (2001); NRM Loan Policy (2000); NRM Policy for Talks, Security Procedures for access to NRM Curatorial Stores (2000); Procedure for dealing with Objects Offered to the Museum; Footplate Policy for Diesel Locomotives at NRM (1999); Minutes of Documentation Issues Meeting (2000)

Good condition.


1 file
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