File enititled 'Early ScM Staff Salary Scales Proposals' containing files relating to staff pay and various re-grading proposals undertaken
- Staff pay material
- Made:
- 1921-1926
- part of archive:
- Science Museum Group Corporate Archive
- maker:
- Science Museum, London
File labelled "Early ScM Staff Salary Scales Proposals." Contains multiple subfolders and loose pages:
- Re-grading, Copy of Statements forwarded 26/3/26 - letters to the Secretary re salary scales of Science Museum staff when separated from V&A. Dated 1923 and 1924.
- Loose sheet listing annual visitor numbers to the Science Museum and Science Library, 1908-1926
- Unsigned and Undated statement (5 pages) on the position of "professional men in the Civil Service", prepared for the Anderson Committee by the Institution of Professional Civil Servants.
- Copies of correspondence to and from F. H. Oates re staff reorganisation. All dated 1921.
- Re-grading - correspondence from Treasury 6 August 1921; statements from Higher Staff at the Science Museum outlining grievances re salaries, dated 1922 and 1923; and reply from Edward Wood, Board of Education, to Col. Lyons on raising salaries.
- Loose copy of 22 November 1921 letter from B. R. Scott (Treasury) outlining Treasury decision on Higher technical staff salary levels.
- Science Museum Series No. 3, July 1909 "Board of Education Deputation to the President on the 13th July 1909, to urge the importance of the Proper Housing of the Science Collections [Extracted from the "Times" of 14th July 1909." Outlines the case made to the Board of Education for rehousing the South Kensington Science collections.
- Loose sheet headed "State Technology" [possibly periodical name?] with date handwritten December 1923. Article highlighted "Differentiation between Administrative and Professional Officers as a Fine Art."
- Loose copy of 14 March 1923 letter from Edward Wood to Col. Lyons re salary grievance.
- Loose copy of 21 February 1924 letter from Charles Trevelyan to Col. Lyons re salary grievance.
- Loose copy of 6 December 1924 letter from E.G. Howarth to Col. Lyons re salary grievance.
- Re-grading - various statements, correspondence and memoranda relating to re-grading of Higher Staff, dates range from 1921 to 1926; 2 documents outlining object research.
- "Statement giving particulars of qualifcations assistants, Science Museum, on appointment." Lists staff by name, age on appointment, education history, and further/other qualifications.
- Copy of decision by The Industrial Court on the claim for revision of salary scales for Science Museum Higher Technical Staff. 11 April 1927.
- Board of Education memorandum noting that once the new building is opened, the name "Victoria & Albert Museum" should no longer refer to the science collections. Issued by Robert Morant, 25 June 1926 (1926 crossed out in red and 1909 handwritten in place).
- Timeline of events leading to the re-grading terms of the Higher Technical Staff, 1921 to 1922.
- 20 April 1926 letter from "Aubrey" to "Noel" about raising the salary grievance with Treasury.
- Annotated reply with comments on the salary grievance case. No date or author noted.
- Loose sheets comprising evidence in relation to the salary grievance case.
- Academic and Professional qualifications of Higher Technical Staff.
- News article from "The Quill", May 1927 - Science Museum Arbitration Case
- Printed A5 copy of the judgement from the Industrial Court on "(1287) Science Museum Higher Technical Staff" salary dispute, issued 11 April 1927
- Regrading Arbitration Court - various documents relating to the Science Museum arbitration case, including Terms of Remit. Includes annotations on documents and sheets of handwritten notes.
- Arbitration - various documents relating to the Science Museum arbitration case; handwritten notes; handwritten list of papers by Walter Clark
- Regrading Correspondence of 1926 Leading into Treasury Refusal - two letters date October and November 1926.
- Treasury Promise of Review and other notes - correspondence and evidence from 1921 relating to the re-grading dispute.
- Science Museum proposed regrading scheme
- Extent:
1 folder
- Identifier:
- CORP/SCM/Z/167/06
- Access:
- Material is available to researchers through the relevant Science Museum Group archive centre.
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions.