Folder entitled 'Microfilm Details'

Folder labelled "Microfilm Details". Documents include:

- Handwritten list of individuals interested in microfilms

- Correspondence from "Nature" on microfilm copies of their collection

- List of prices for reproductions from various institutions

- Article "Microfilms in Libraries" by E. Lancaster-Jones

- Various correspondence relating to interest in microfilm, replacing missing periodicals, and other discussions of the technology.

- Letter from D.L. Johnston 13 June 1941, outlining his home-built microfilm reader. Includes 3 photographs of his machine.

- Handwritten list of suppliers of microfilm readers, with specs and prices, and promotional materials from some of these.

- Flyer advertising the microfilm service of Lt Colonel W W Mansfield

- 2 journal articles from The Libary Association Record (January and May 1938) on Microphotography

- November 1938 tariffs for microfilm from the Victoria & Albert Museum


1 folder
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