Report entitled 'Report on Mr Woodcroft's claims to portraits, mechanical drawings, machines and models contained in the Patent Office Museum at the date of his retirement in 1876'

Report entitled 'Report on Mr Woodcroft's claims to portraits, mechanical drawings, machines and models contained in the Patent Office Museum at the date of his retirement in 1876' with appendices: A Abstract of list of portraits +c the property of Mr Woodcroft + removed by him from the Patent Office, B Abstract of list of portraits +c the property of the Commissioners of Patents or private owners other than Mr Woodcroft, C Abstract of list of portraits +c, claimed by Mr Woodcroft but without producing any satisfactory evidence in proof of ownership, D Abstract of list of mechanical and other drawings, engravings, lithographs +c the property of Mr Woodcroft and removed by him from the Patent Office Musuem Collection, E Abstract of list of models +c the property of Mr Woodcroft and removed by him from the Patent Office Museum, F Abstract of list of machines and models claimed by Mr Woodcroft but requiring proof of ownership


1 item
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