Folder entitled 'ASLIB Enemy Periodicals 1941 Jul - Dec 1945'

Folder labelled "ASLIB Enemy Periodicals 1941 Jul-Dec 1945". Documents include:

- Letter confirming honorarium to Miss Ditman, General Secretary of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau

- Reports on the work of the project

- Lists of periodicals received from enemy-occupied and other European countries

- Correspondence relating to the project

- Copy of letter to "Science" 23 May 1941 from Iowa State College Library outlining the problems for research as a result of incomplete files of European periodicals.

- Copy of letter to "Science" 23 May 1941 from Science Service, Washington DC suggesting the use of microfilm to replace missing periodicals.

- Papers including agendas, minutes, reports, correspondence and handwritten notes with the War Cabinet Scientific Advisory Committee about the project.

- Copy of correspondence from US Department of Agriculture offering to supply microfilm copies of articles

- Memo from E Lancaster Jones on copyright issues

- Agendas and minutes from ASLIB committees


1 folder
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