Photo entitled 'A New Children's Gallery at the Science Museum'

A photograph with a caption that reads: 'A New Children's Gallery at the Science Museum. During the last six months the well known and ever popular Children's Gallery at the Science Museum has been closed to enable a complete overhaul of all the exhibits to be done prior to their being installed in a new Children's Gallery in the basement of the new extension. So much of the work has been finished that the Museum decided to open the completed portion (about two-thirds of the whole area) in time for the Easter holidays, rather than keep this favourite gallery closed until every part is ready. A special feature is the provision of darkened areas in which the famous series of dioramas - Transport through the ages, street lighting etc - can be seen at their best, free from distracting reflections on their glass fronts. Of particular interest are the two new dioramas that have been added: transport in the 1960s, which shows a motorway, jet aircraft, helicopter and so: and to show modern street lighting, a road with its new high-pressure sodium lighting. Keystone photo shows four-year old Andrew Barks of Peterborough, seen operating a hydraulic jack - in the Children's Gallery at the Science Museum today'.


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