Photograph of a Bessemer converter by John Chillingworth for INGOT picture story "Men at Work: The Bessemer Platform"

One 11.5 x 7.7 inch, black and white print stamped ‘A John Chillingworth Original’ with reference ‘10 Mar 1957/10/13A.’ The image shows a Bessemer converter in operation at Ebbw Vale Works, a bulbous vessel made of steel and lined with refractory bricks which can rotate. The image appears in the picture story “Men at Work: The Bessemer Platform,” June 1958 issue, p. 30.

The print has a yellow job sticker on the reverse with the following details: Job: INGOT mag AB, Date out: 17.3.58, Screen: 120, Height 8 3/4 inches, Width: 3 5/16 inches


1 photograph
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