Photographs of 'Smith's Crisps' taken by Peter Hewitt

Twelve black and white photographs with images taken by Peter Hewitt, on behalf of Richard, Thomas & Baldwins Ltd, with images to be considered for use in INGOT magazine. Images include:

One 11.4 x 6.7 inch, black and white print of a woman worked checking and sorting crisps on a conveyor belt.

Four 11.5 x 7.5 inch, black and white prints of women workers supervising crisps on a conveyor belt, operating machinery to pack crisps and loading potatoes into a machine.

Three 11.5 x 7.7 inch, black and white prints operating machinery, working at a conveyor belt and women sat in lines at tables sealing crisp packets.

One 11.5 x 8.8 inch, black and white print of a woman using a machine to fill crisp packets.

One 11.5 x 9 inch, black and white print of workers sat at tables with machinery in the background.

11.5 x 9.5 inch, black and white print of a woman worker sealing crisp packets.

One 11.4 x 9.4 inch, black and white print of a woman worker using a machine to fill crisp packets.

These prints have no INGOT job stickers so it is unknown whether any of these images were published


12 photographs
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