Assorted photographs of an archaeological dig at Winterton Roman Villa, unknown photographer (INGOT 50 and 52)

Eleven black and white prints taken by an unknown photographer to be considered for use in INGOT magazine. The images include various shots of people at an archaeological dig at Winterton Roman Villa. None of these prints contain any INGOT job stickers so are unconfirmed if published:

Two 11.3 x 8.7 inch, black and white prints. The first shows two men crouched in an open trench with rocks (possibly a roman wall) in the foreground. One of the men is smoking and the other is examining a piece of material in his hand. The second image shows a barefoot Hilary Paddon wearing a headscarf and using a sweeping brush in a trench.

Two 11.3 x 8.4 inch, black and white prints. The first shows a man in a white shirt crouched in a trench examining masonry. The second shows Anthony Pacitto lying beside a trench with a drawing board whilst holding a pencil and ruler. In the background, Dorothy Slow stands in an open trench.

Two 11.4 x 7.6 inch, black and white prints showing a display of pottery finds spread out on a blanket and a shot of Captain Cooper shovelling dirt from a trench into a bucket.

One 11.3 x 9.4 inch, black and white print of a man in a white shirt holding and examining a large piece of pottery.

One 11.4 x 9.4 inch, black and white print of Bernard Golden measuring the size of an open trench whilst crouched inside it.

One 11.3 x 8.3 inch, black and white print showing Judith Wilkins kneeling on the floor with some string in hand.

One 10.7 x 9.3 inch, black and white print of some Roman foundations uncovered by the archaeological team.

One 11.4 x 9.3 inch, black and white print of three men digging inside a trench filled with dirt


11 photographs
Open Access

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