Negatives of an archaeological dig at Winterton Roman Villa, unknown photographer (INGOT 50 and 52)

Thirty-three negative strips containing images taken by an unknown photographer, on behalf of Richard, Thomas & Baldwins Ltd, to be considered for use in an issue of INGOT magazine. The images include various shots of people at an archaeological dig at Winterton Roman Villa.

Names of the individuals at the dig are listed as “Ian Stead, Judith Wilkins, Dorothy Slow (pigtails), Hilary Paddon, Anthony Pacitto (Hair), Bernard Golden (USA), Capt. Cooper” according to a document housed with the corresponding contact sheets for these negatives.

Images comprise of the above-mentioned people digging in trenches; talking whilst holding digging equipment; observing or measuring trenches; making notes; using a sweeping brush to clear dirt; removing rubble with a wheelbarrow; holding pottery; displaying pottery on a sheet.

Two images of Ian Stead are published in INGOT magazine (INGOT 40, p20 and INGOT 50, p19)


34 negatives
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