Notes and session papers relating to the Economic and Social Committee for Asia and the Pacific conference

Folder of documents regarding the ESCAP (United Nations' Economic and Social Committee for Asia and the Pacific) Railway Group meeting 1974. Contains a bundle and loose hand-written notes on the meetings by Kenneth Cantlie; a copy of a report on ESCAP Delhi Conference 1969 by C.A. Langley, Ukras Consultants Ltd; a copy of a report regarding the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE; later ESCAP), Railway Committee Conference, Bangkok 1969 titled 'Techno-Economic Aspects of Different Types of Motive Power' (steam, diesel, electric); a memorandum titled 'The Trans-Asian Railway and the State Railway of Thailand' by the State Railway of Thailand, September 1974; an ESCAP session paper on economic assessment of railway relocation, 1974; an ESCAP session paper on improvement of vacuum braking systems, 1974; a paper on Iranian State Railways; paper on Keretapi Tanah Melayu Jabatan Kejuruteraan Jentera Bengkel Sentul (Malayan Railways Sentul Workshop Machinery Engineering Department), Sentul Works and staff; session paper on new trends in motive power and rolling stock, including gas turbines and linear motor; a list of ESCAFE (ESCAP) delegates and their designated coaches and cabins on Malayan Night Mail Train Butterworth-Kuala Lumpur 27th September 1974 with information on railway network; a list of participants to ESCAP conference 1974; daily agendas for ESCAP conference between 18th - 24th September 1974; a session paper from the ECAFE (later ESCAP) 1952 conference, Bandung, Indonesia, on the economic use of firewood in steam locomotives (40 pages).


1 file with approx. 210 pages
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