Official certificates and an address book

Four copies of marriage certificates of Kenneth Cantlie and Phyllis Pitcairn Gage-Brown, first in Kobe, Japan 7th April 1931, witnessed by Colin and Agnes Cantlie (Kenneth's brother); and solemnization of the marriage at British Consulate in Shanghai 8th July 1931, witnessed by Elly Kadoorie and Hannah Nissim. Birth certificates of Kenneth and Phyllis Cantlie; income tax and pensions papers; Royal licence by George VI for the Insignia of the Order of the Brilliant Jade; a form for a will, unfilled; Kenneth Cantlie's address book 1920s-1960s, interleaved with calling cards and containing entries such as Sun Fo and Elly Kadoorie, with a list of Cantlie's addresses 1899-1966; a photographic envelope of colour photographs of Sir James and Mabel Cantlie's grave and his memorial plague in the church (1986).


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