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George Neuman with instructions to keep to the plans
Letters sent to S.B. Worthington
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Worthington Archive
Worthington, Samuel Barton (1820-1915, railway civil engineer)
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Worthington Archive
WORTH/1 Worthington, Samuel Barton (1820-1915), railway civil engineer
WORTH/1/1 Volume containing details of various accounts, valuations, reports and specifications
WORTH/1/2 Notebook of 'sundry notes'
WORTH/1/3 Letter book of outgoing correspondence
WORTH/1/4 Sheffield and Rotherham Railway
WORTH/1/4/1 Map (in 2 sections) of intended railway between Sheffield and Rotherham, by Frederick Swanwick, engineer
WORTH/1/4/2 Notebook containing specifications relating to drawings, plans and sections for the Sheffield & Rotherham Railway
WORTH/1/4/3 Unbound book of estimates, Sheffield & Rotherham Railway
WORTH/1/4/4 Three plans of sections of the Sheffield and Rotherham Railway
WORTH/1/5 Caledonian Railway
WORTH/1/5/1 Joseph Locke’s ‘Report (with sections) to the Proprietors of the Proposed Caledonian Railway from Lancaster to Edinburgh and Glasgow’, dated 21st November 1837
WORTH/1/5/2 Caledonian Railway: Mr Locke’s Report, 1842
WORTH/1/6 Letter from George Neumann to S B Worthington regarding survey of land around Annan, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
WORTH/1/7 Letter from D McCallum, Surveyor, to S B Worthington regarding survey of section of line near Johnstone Bridge, Dumfriesshire delayed by bad weather
WORTH/1/8 Level Book of S B Worthington
WORTH/1/8/2 Letter inserted into S B Worthington's 1839 level book from London and North Western Railway's Permanent Way Department, Divisional Engineer's Office, Lancaster
WORTH/1/8/3 Letter inserted into S B Worthington's 1839 level book from Glasgow & South Western Railway's Engineer's Office, St. Enoch Station, Glasgow
WORTH/1/9 Paris-Rouen Railway
WORTH/1/9/1 Pamphlet containing the concession law authorising the establishment of the Paris-Rouen Railway, including specifications, statutes and a report
WORTH/1/9/2 Concertina map showing planned route of Paris-Rouen Railway including street names and property owner details
WORTH/1/9/3 Schedule to contract for works between the St. Germain and Poissy junction of the Paris-Rouen railway, signed by William Mackenzie
WORTH/1/9/4 Memorandum regarding cost of certain works on Paris-Rouen railway
WORTH/1/9/5 Specifications for carriages and seats on the Paris-Rouen railway
WORTH/1/9/6 Specifications for the Poissy and Rolleboise contract, Paris-Rouen railway
WORTH/1/9/7 Specification for building two bridges across the River Seine at Oissel, Paris-Rouen railway
WORTH/1/9/8 Paris and Rouen Railway, Contract No.1
WORTH/1/9/9 Bundle of papers regarding skew arch bridge at Epone, Paris-Rouen Railway
WORTH/1/9/10 Schedule of prices for materials described in the specification for the construction of the Oissel Bridge, Paris-Rouen Railway, and building contractor's receipt for Oissel Bridge masonry expenses
WORTH/1/9/11 Schedule of prices for various types of stone at Rouen
WORTH/1/9/12 Price schedules for materials, labour, transport, etc., in Rouen
WORTH/1/9/13 Schedule of workmens daily wage rates, France
WORTH/1/9/14 Draft specification for tunnels through hills at Rolleboise and Venables, Paris-Rouen Railway
WORTH/1/9/15 Journal entitled ‘Paris and Rouen RW, Jan. to September 1841’
WORTH/1/9/16 Journal entitled 'Paris and Rouen RW, October to November 1841'
WORTH/1/9/17 Copy letter books belonging to S B Worthington
WORTH/1/9/18 Report on French Railways by Robert Stephenson
WORTH/1/9/19 Letters sent to S.B. Worthington
WORTH/1/9/19/1 G. Smith re purchase of land at the approach to the bridge on the Meulan-Epom (?) road
WORTH/1/9/19/2 Mr. Reed re dispute over land ownership at Chern-Neuf (?)
WORTH/1/9/19/3 Mr. Reed requesting an account of materials delivered to him which will be supplied to the Conseil d’Administrateur
WORTH/1/9/19/4 George Neumann requesting a progress report every month and also instructions to settle with Mackenzie re bridge approach at Meulan
WORTH/1/9/19/5 George Neumann re dispute over land with M. Tallyrand
WORTH/1/9/19/6 George Neumann informing S.B. Worthington of his salary
WORTH/1/9/19/7 Thibaudion informing S.B. Worthington that the French authorities have approved the proposals, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/8 P. Tinet re route of bridge, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/9 George Neumann informing S. B. Worthington that land shown in Worthington’s plan is too expensive and requesting that he see how suitable land on the other side of the approach is
WORTH/1/9/19/10 George Neumann informing S. B. Worthington that Mr Bond wants to meet him or Gaynard
WORTH/1/9/19/11 George Neumann to S. B. Worthington informing him that money is due to be sent and requesting information on flooding so as to determine the site of a station
WORTH/1/9/19/12 Delacour requesting that company engineers sign the bills when rails are delivered in their districts
WORTH/1/9/19/13 George Neumann informing him that all the land at Medan has been purchased
WORTH/1/9/19/14 George Neumann informing S. B. Worthington that the 'small conservatory' has been purchased and makes suggestions about how land on both sides of the approach should be dealt with
WORTH/1/9/19/15 George Neumann re land purchased for railway
WORTH/1/9/19/16 Puilly (?) re construction, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/17 George Neumann informing S. B. Worthington that he can take whatever land is needed for the bridge from Tallyrand as soon as possible
WORTH/1/9/19/18 George Neumann detailing alterations that Worthington must supervise
WORTH/1/9/19/19 Bezansan re construction, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/20 Bezansan re construction of the Paris-Rouen Railway, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/21 George Neumann informing S.B. Worthington of Tallyrand’s concern for land that has been taken
WORTH/1/9/19/22 Humfrey re gauge, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/23 George Neumann requesting a plan of the bridge with approaches for the road at Vilaines
WORTH/1/9/19/24 Bezansan re plantations of trees, timber and properties of Givry, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/25 George Neumann instructing S.B. Worthington to cut timber and start work immediately on the next section of the railway
WORTH/1/9/19/26 Lavallard, lawyer
WORTH/1/9/19/27 Lavallard, lawyer
WORTH/1/9/19/28 George Neumann instructing S. B. Worthington to construct a wall at Medan
WORTH/1/9/19/29 George Neumann to instructing S. B. Worthington to cease construction of the railway until further notice
WORTH/1/9/19/30 George Neumann instructing S. B. Worthington to take possession of the two extra parcels of land required for the Medan Bridge, and to resume work
WORTH/1/9/19/31 George Neumann requesting a meeting to inspect the line together from Les Muceaux to Poissy
WORTH/1/9/19/32 Michel Poitout asking for details of length of railway and for the work to be hurried, in French
WORTH/1/9/19/33 Bezansan about land he has purchased along the route
WORTH/1/9/19/34 Pinchon (?) re a copy of a letter from Mr. Band to Bezansan
WORTH/1/9/19/36 George Neumann informing S. B. Worthington that the bridges at Vilaines and Mauldre (?) have been approved according to the plans, and asking him for alterations to be made regarding dimensions
WORTH/1/9/19/37 George Neumann informing S. B. Worthington of the approved dimensions of a parapet
WORTH/1/9/19/38 George Neumann reminding S.B. Worthington to send his monthly report and also to draw up a plan of the approaches to the 'over bridge'
WORTH/1/9/19/39 Delacour re payment for the delivery of rails
WORTH/1/9/19/40 George Neumann requesting S.B. Worthington his presence in Rouen for 4 or 5 days to inspect the line from La Havre to Harfleur
WORTH/1/9/19/41 J Rey re ballast to fill up an embankment
WORTH/1/9/19/42 Joseph Locke to Mackenzie and Brassy [copy sent to S.B. Worthington] listing alterations to be made on the bridge
WORTH/1/9/19/43 Letter from Delacour re Receipt for rails
WORTH/1/9/19/44 George Neuman to instructing S. B. Worthington to alter the distance between parapets on the bridge at Les Murceaux
WORTH/1/9/19/45 Neuman re appearance of the stonework used in the construction of the Nantes contract bridges and requesting his presence at Poissy
WORTH/1/9/19/46 Letter from an associate [not named], in French
WORTH/1/9/19/47 Mackenzie re the “ballast hole” at Un Friel(?) road
WORTH/1/9/19/49 Letter from an associate [not named], in French
WORTH/1/9/19/50 Letter from Delacour requesting S.B. Worthington to 'get all the company’s rails out of the way'
WORTH/1/9/19/51 Delacour requesting S.B. Worthington to keep the ‘Deceaseoile’(?) rails Separate from the company’s rails
WORTH/1/9/19/52 Delacour requesting the removal of certain rails
WORTH/1/9/19/53 Delacour re deliveries
WORTH/1/9/19/54 George Neuman informing S.B. Worthington that Joseph Locke wishes to speak with him re the bridge at Vilaines
WORTH/1/9/19/55 George Neuman re decision over the approaches to the bridges and informing him that Locke intends to visit
WORTH/1/9/19/56 George Neuman re statements about fencing
WORTH/1/9/19/57 Delacour re bills (in French)
WORTH/1/9/19/58 George Neuman with instructions to keep to the plans
WORTH/1/9/19/59 George Neumann permitting S.B. Worthingon to continue with the foundations for Les Murceaux station
WORTH/1/9/19/60 George Neuman re construction of the Epom station house
WORTH/1/9/19/61 George Neuman requesting details about materials
WORTH/1/9/19/62 Letter from Bailly in French
WORTH/1/9/19/63 Letter from Bailly in French
WORTH/1/9/20 Printed book entitled 'Prix de Base et de Reglement des Travaux de Batiment 1843'
WORTH/1/9/21 Rule book for Enginemen and Firemen on the Paris to Rouen railway
WORTH/1/9/22 Booklet of Police regulations for use on the Rouen to Paris railway
WORTH/1/9/23 Certficate issued by the Mairie de Condecourt
WORTH/1/9/24 Pay sheets of workers employed in the Batignolles workshops of the Paris and Rouen railway
WORTH/1/9/25 Summary of pay sheets for the Batignolles workshops of the Paris and Rouen Railway
WORTH/1/9/26 Summary of engine parts supplied by Messieurs Allcard, Buddicom
WORTH/1/9/27 List of wages paid to staff of Paris station
WORTH/1/9/28 Rule book for Enginemen and Firemen on the Paris to Rouen railway
WORTH/1/10 Orleans Railway
WORTH/1/10/1 Unsigned letter from the Paris to Rouen Railway Company on the subject of a proposed Belgian-Orleans railway line
WORTH/1/10/2 Rough sketch showing the dimensions of an Orleans Railway First Class carriage
WORTH/1/11 Lancaster & Preston Junction Railway
WORTH/1/11/1 Newspaper extracts respecting the Lancaster to Beattock railway express and the Lancaster & Preston Junction Railway
WORTH/1/11/2 Draft specification to the Lancaster & Preston Junction Railway Lancaster Contract
WORTH/1/11/3 Letter from Joseph Locke to S B Worthington requesting a report upon the condition of the Lancaster & Preston railway line
WORTH/1/11/4 Letter from Joseph Locke to S B Worthington requesting to know how many rails ought to be removed from the [Lancaster & Preston] line
WORTH/1/11/5 Letter from Joseph Locke to B P Gregson in reference to complaints of the state of the rails on the Lancaster & Preston Railway
WORTH/1/11/6 Letter from Joseph Locke to S B Worthington in reference to the valuation of works unfinished at the termination of [John] Allen’s contract
WORTH/1/11/7 Copy agreement that the Lancaster & Preston Junction Railway will sell 100 rails to John Allen
WORTH/1/11/8 Letter from S B Worthington to R C Rawlinson stating the current market price of rails
WORTH/1/12 Lancaster & Carlisle Railway
WORTH/1/12/1 Cost of Lancaster & Carlisle Railway stations in detail
WORTH/1/12/2 Valuation of land intended for the Lancaster to Carlisle Railway
WORTH/1/12/3 Letter book relating to the construction of the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway
WORTH/1/12/5 Draft contract between Messrs Brassey, Mackenzie and Stephenson and the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway Company
WORTH/1/12/6 Level Book of S B Worthington
WORTH/1/12/7 Prospectus for Ulverstone, Furness and Lancaster & Carlisle Railway
WORTH/1/12/8 Report to the Proprietors of the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway, addressed to Robert Eglington
WORTH/1/12/9 Lancaster & Carlisle Railway, Ten Days' Notice of Intention to Take Temporary Possession
WORTH/1/12/10 Lancaster & Carlisle Railway, Plan of Bridge Over the River Lune
WORTH/1/12/11 Letters from John Gill to S B Worthington regarding the Lune Viaduct
WORTH/1/12/12 Lancaster & Carlisle Railway, Lune Viaduct
WORTH/1/12/12/1 Copy letter from S B Worthington to the Directors of the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway Company regarding the state of the timber viaduct over the River Lune
WORTH/1/12/12/2 Letter from G H Edwards to J E Errington regarding proposed alterations to the Lune Viaduct
WORTH/1/12/12/3 Copy letter from J E Errington recommending certain alterations to the Lune Viaduct
WORTH/1/12/12/4 Lune Bridge Carpentry Specification
WORTH/1/12/13 Newspaper extracts concerning experiments on wrought iron hollow beams and girders for railway bridges
WORTH/1/12/14 Map showing the route of the Lancaster & Carlisle railway, with connecting lines from Settle to Carnforth, and Milnthorpe to Ulverston
WORTH/1/12/15 Plan showing sundry railway lines and schemes
WORTH/1/12/16 Newspaper extracts concerning the opening of the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway to Kendal
WORTH/1/12/17 Letter book belonging to S. B. Worthington
WORTH/1/12/18 Report of the board meeting at which S. B. Worthington was charged with the task of enforcing new instructions for engineers, policemen and workmen on the line
WORTH/1/12/19 Letter from Mr. Bolden, Secretary of the Company, to S. B. Worthington re the conduct of engine men following an incident at Preston station
WORTH/1/12/20 Letter from Mr. Bolden, Secretary, to S. B. Worthington re necessary repairs to several carriages
WORTH/1/12/21 Letter from Mr. Bolden, Secretary, to S. B. Worthington re condition of shackles on several carriages
WORTH/1/12/22 Letter from Mr. Bolden, Secretary, to S. B. Worthington requesting to be supplied with all present and future copies of orders and regulations for traffic, no date
WORTH/1/12/23 Report of the board meeting, held 16 Oct. 1846, at which S. B. Worthington presented a set of rules for ‘the guidance of the superintendent and officers at the different stations…’
WORTH/1/12/24 John Steel, Steel’s Guide to the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway (Carlisle, 1847), annotated by S. B. Worthington
WORTH/1/12/25 Contract with Brassey, Mackenzie and Stephenson
WORTH/1/12/26 Sundry accounts
WORTH/1/12/27 S. B. Worthington, Lancashire and Carlisle Railway: Rules and Regulations (Lancaster, 1850), with amendments and annotations by S. B. Worthington
WORTH/1/12/28 Lists of passenger and goods engines
WORTH/1/12/28/1 List of passenger and goods engines
WORTH/1/12/28/2 List of passenger engines
WORTH/1/12/28/3 List of engines, untitled
WORTH/1/12/28/4 Draft list of engines, written in pencil
WORTH/1/12/28/5 ‘List of Engines agreed to be handed over by the London & North Western Company’ (includes lists of goods and passenger engines)
WORTH/1/12/28/6 List of passenger and good engines
WORTH/1/12/28/7 Second part of list of goods engines
WORTH/1/12/28/8 List of goods engines
WORTH/1/12/28/9 ‘Statement shewing the number of Locomotive Engines which will form the Stock of the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway company in Jul. 1857’ (lists of passenger and goods engines)
WORTH/1/12/29 Bundle of letters and papers re construction of engines from LNWR and non-renewal of contract
WORTH/1/12/29/1 Report of Committee
WORTH/1/12/29/2 Cost of coke and train mileage
WORTH/1/12/29/3 Details of locomotive engines, including tubes, fireboxes, cylinders, driving wheels etc.
WORTH/1/12/29/4 North Union Railway, locomotive expenditure, including details of coke, oil and repairs
WORTH/1/12/29/5 Cost of locomotive power, based on working expenses and repairs
WORTH/1/12/29/6 Copy of letter from Mr. Errington to S. E. Bolden re gradients of the LCR line
WORTH/1/12/29/7 Locomotive mileage for the six months ending
WORTH/1/12/29/8 Cost of locomotive power based on working expenses and repair
WORTH/1/12/29/9 Locomotive mileage for 5 years ending 31 Jan
WORTH/1/12/29/10 Cost of locomotive stock
WORTH/1/12/29/11 Report of the Locomotive Committee, giving list of papers to be laid before the next meeting
WORTH/1/12/29/12 Estimate of rolling stock, shops, sheds, tools and machinery required to enable the Company to make and repair their own stock, bundle of papers
WORTH/1/12/29/13 Cost of locomotive power based on working expenses and repairs
WORTH/1/12/29/14 Cost per train mile of locomotive power
WORTH/1/12/29/15 Cost of goods trains, including mileage of engines and tons of goods conveyed, total of traffic in and out of Liverpool, Manchester and London and no. of wagons per goods train
WORTH/1/12/29/16 Number of engines working on the line and details of diameter of wheels, length of boiler etc. 21 May 1853
WORTH/1/12/29/17 Cost of carriages working in
WORTH/1/12/29/18 Scottish Central Railway, cost of locomotive and carriage stock
WORTH/1/12/29/19 Letter from Francis Trevithick to S. B. Worthington re construction of engines
WORTH/1/12/29/20 Letter from Francis Trevithick to S. B. Worthington re stock of engines
WORTH/1/12/29/21 Copy of letter from London and North Western Railway re renewal of contract
WORTH/1/12/29/22 Board and committee resolutions and letter from S. Edward Bolden to S. B. Worthington re non-renewal of contract
WORTH/1/12/29/23 Delay of up passenger trains
WORTH/1/12/29/24 Delay of down passenger trains
WORTH/1/12/29/25 Copy of extracts from the minutes of the board meeting, stating that the Company should have the option of taking some of the stock employed on the line
WORTH/1/12/29/26 List of engines giving dates of construction and when employed on the line
WORTH/1/12/29/27 List of engines giving dates of construction and when employed on the line
WORTH/1/12/29/28 Weight of engines
WORTH/1/12/29/29 Consumption of coke fortnight ending
WORTH/1/12/29/30 Copy of letter from Edmund Sharpe to William Jackson re an offer by Fairbairn and Sharpe to work the traffic on the railway on the non-renewal of contract with London & North Western Railway
WORTH/1/12/29/31 Minutes of Board meeting, stating that S. B. Worthington should report on the quantity of stock to take from London & North Western Railway
WORTH/1/12/29/32 Locomotive Committee memorandum, stating that S. B. Worthington should consult immediately with Mr. Errington
WORTH/1/12/29/33 Copy of letter from J. E. Errington to S. E. Bolden re purchase of engines from London & Northern Western Railway
WORTH/1/12/29/34 Letter from S. B. Worthington to the Locomotive Committee re consultation with Mr Locke and purchase of stock from LNWR
WORTH/1/12/29/35 Memorandum re locomotive shop
WORTH/1/12/29/36 Letter from Robert Sinclair of the Caledonian Railway to S. B. Worthington re valuations of the LNWR stock employed on the line
WORTH/1/12/29/37 Report of the Locomotive Committee
WORTH/1/12/29/38 Letter from LNWR to S. B. Worthington re insufficient stock of engines
WORTH/1/12/29/39 Letter from LNWR to S. B. Worthington re insufficient stock of engines
WORTH/1/12/29/40 Letter from Robert Sinclair of the Caledonian Railway to S. B. Worthington re inspection of engines employed by LNWR
WORTH/1/12/29/41 Experiments with goods trains on Lancaster line
WORTH/1/12/29/42 Details of locomotive engines including weight and consumption of coke, requested by S. B. Worthington
WORTH/1/12/29/43 Minutes of Board meeting, stating a decision to take 40 engines from the stock of LNWR and to order 20 new engines
WORTH/1/12/29/44 Letter from Thomas White to S. B. Worthington re weight of engines
WORTH/1/12/29/45 Estimated cost to replace engines over next 13 years
WORTH/1/12/29/46 Cost of Loupe Fell engine
WORTH/1/12/29/47 Cost of locomotive power to the LNWR
WORTH/1/12/29/48 Lancaster proposed workshops, giving details of quantities of land and earthworks
WORTH/1/12/29/49 Copy of letter from John Swift to E. W. Hasell esq., warning that money should not be advanced to the LNWR
WORTH/1/12/29/50 Copy of letter from J. E. Errington to S. E. Bolden re cost of locomotive power compared with other railways
WORTH/1/12/29/51 Calculation of extra coke consumption in respect of LCR gradients
WORTH/1/12/29/52 Estimate of cost of carriage stock
WORTH/1/12/29/53 Estimate cost of locomotive power
WORTH/1/12/29/54 Letter from Locke to S. B. Worthington re quantities of earthwork required for the Lancaster station
WORTH/1/12/29/55 Correspondence between S. B. Worthington and Colonel Maclean and plan re alterations to building plans for sheds, workshops, stores and offices
WORTH/1/12/29/56 Trial table, including amount at the beginning of the year, interest, annual instalment and estimated amount of annual expenditure
WORTH/1/12/29/57 Details of tenders for engines, prepared by S. B. Worthington
WORTH/1/12/29/58 List of engines and report on boilers and fireboxes of engines
WORTH/1/12/29/59 Letter to Mr. Peet re engines
WORTH/1/12/30 S. B. Worthington, Lancaster and Carlisle Railway: Rules and Regulations (Lancaster, 1855)
WORTH/1/12/31 Minute book
WORTH/1/12/32 ‘Report of the proceedings at the half-yearly meeting of the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway Co.’, including S. B. Worthington’s report on the condition of the line 12 Sep. 1855
WORTH/1/12/33 ‘London & North Western Railway Lancaster and Carlisle Passenger Trains, August 1856’: graph showing chronological movement of trains between Preston and Carlisle and vice versa over 10 day period from Sunday to Tuesday.
WORTH/1/12/34 ‘London & North Western Railway Lancaster & Carlisle Goods Trains, Oct. . 1856’ : graph showing chronological movement of trains between Preston and Carlisle from Sunday to Sunday. Also shows movement of trains between Carlisle and Lancaster for same time scale
WORTH/1/12/35 Correspondence written at Preston from 'J. T.' to Mr. Turner, informing him that engines ‘Phaeton’ and ‘Jason’ had their cylinders bored out in Jul. 1854 (Phaeton) and September 1853 (Jason).
WORTH/1/12/36 Correspondence written at the London & North Western Railway (Northern division) Engine works at Crewe, from J. Trevithick to S. B. Worthington informing him he is sending him a list of the ‘Engines concocted ed’. The letter is attached to a note probably written by Trevithick (the handwriting is similar to that style used in the letter to Worthington), describing how S. B. Worthington and J. Trevithick fitted six of the fifteen engines to be used for the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway
WORTH/1/12/37 Goods engine specification
WORTH/1/12/38 Report by S. B. Worthington to the Chairman of the Locomotive Committee on the cost of locomotive power
WORTH/1/12/39 Specification for a passenger engine based on same pattern and build as the engine No. 21 'Lowther’
WORTH/1/12/40 Report of S. B. Worthington to R. Moon, Chairman of the London & North Western Railway Co., on ‘The general arrangements for securing a proper inspection and superintendence of the work in my division…’ including difficulties he had found and his suggestions for improvement
WORTH/1/12/41 Details of the internal arrangement of the Engineering Department, London & North Western Railway following re-division of the ‘Permanent Way Districts’
WORTH/1/12/42 London & North Western Railway: Rules and Regulations (London, 1874),
WORTH/1/12/43 London & North Western Railway, plan of footbridge over railway at Shap Summit
WORTH/1/13 Papers re the Gauge Commission
WORTH/1/13/1 Report of the Gauge Commissioners (London, 1846), annotated by S. B. Worthington
WORTH/1/13/2 Railway Gauge: Report of Robert Stephenson and Joseph Locke 30 Jun. 1848
WORTH/1/14 Letter to S B Worthington from Angus Meek (?) at Bury, informing him that Locke and Errington are only consulting engineers without any salary, and that Meek is going to France.
WORTH/2 Worthington, William Barton (1854-1939), railway civil engineer
WORTH/2/1 Parcel of prints of railwayana cut from illustrated papers, sent to W. B. Worthington from W. V. Daniell, London, 4 December 1899
WORTH/2/2 Printed pamphlet entitled Lancashire; or Our Own County, a Lecture delivered in St Thomas’ School, Preston, by W. W. B. Hulton Esq, 24 February 1879. Tales of Lancashire including, noted on front by W. B. Worthington, an account of George Stephenson and the Bolton and Leigh railway p. 9-11
WORTH/2/3 Envelope containing West Lancashire RW 1st Class Free Pass (12 Apr. 1897-31 Dec. 1897), belonging to W. B. Worthington
WORTH/2/4 Letter from Henry Young and Sons, Booksellers and Bookbinders, Liverpool, to W. B. Worthington, detailing recent acquisitions of railway prints and books which W. B. may wish to see
WORTH/2/5 Letter from Chief Mechanical Engineer’s Office, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway to Mr. Worthington, re a previous conversation
WORTH/2/6 Printed volume of reports of visit to American and Canadian Railroads by Mr. William Barton Worthington, Mr. S. Hauxwell and Mr. J. Tatlow, for the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway.
WORTH/2/7 Printed volume of reports of visits to American and Canadian Railroads by Mr. C. W. Bayley and Mr. O. Winder, for the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway
WORTH/2/9 Transcripts of conferences between David Lloyd George, president of the Board of Trade and representatives of Railway Companies.
WORTH/2/10 Commemorative picture mounted on card, of the Midland Railway Forty Eighth Annual Ball, Derby
WORTH/2/11 Items re Arched Bridges: These items, which relate to the work of Joseph Locke and S. B. Worthington on arched viaducts, and were probably compiled by W. B. Worthington.
WORTH/2/11/1 Envelope entitled ‘Jos. Locke’s timber arched viaduct’, written by W B Worthington
WORTH/2/11/2 Photograph inscribed ‘Lune Bridge, Lancaster and Carlisle, built by S. B. Worthington’
WORTH/2/11/3 ‘A print of the MS & L Dinting Viaduct’
WORTH/2/11/4 Single sheet of pencil notes [possibly by W B Worthington]
WORTH/2/11/5 Letter from S. B. Worthington to “Willie” re the first drawings he made of the Manchester & Sheffield Railway timber arched viaduct
WORTH/2/11/6 Paper entitled ‘Locke’s laminated timber arches’, written by ‘WBW 7.8.1921’, recounting how S. B. Worthington was asked by Locke in 1840 to make drawings of a viaduct described by Buddicom, so that the design could be used on the Manchester & Sheffield Railway
WORTH/2/11/7 Single sheet notes, written by W B Worthington introducing the letter from W B Buddicom to Joseph Locke
WORTH/2/11/8 Drawing of the wooden viaduct at Newcastle
WORTH/2/11/9 Copy letter from W. B. Buddicom to Joseph Locke describing the wooden viaduct at Newcastle
WORTH/2/12 Letter from Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice to W. B. Worthington, enclosing a copy of a poem in The City Lantern of 9 January 1880
WORTH/2/13 Items re Rainfall
WORTH/2/13/1 Rainfall Register, includes letter from the Director of the Meteorological Office requesting information on rainfall
WORTH/2/13/2 John Glasspoole, The Areas Covered by Intense and Widespread Falls of Rain (London, 1929), pamphlet.
WORTH/3 General papers and documents
WORTH/3/1 Letter from N. Gray to Mr. Stephenson re weight of boilers for the tunnel engines
WORTH/3/2 ‘Dialogues of the Gauges’ reprinted from the Railway Record
WORTH/3/3 Plan of existing and proposed lines or lines under construction in North Eastern France and Belgium
WORTH/3/4 Fragment [pages 12 to 29] of a specification for bridges, buildings and ‘special work’ on the railway in Staffordshire
WORTH/3/5 Map of “Old Munkland Parish, “Bothwell Parish” and “Dalzell Parish”
WORTH/3/6 Items re Edinburgh Railways
WORTH/3/6/1 Several sections of the ground surveyed for Edinburgh railways, ink and colour
WORTH/3/6/2 Plan of route of railways from Edinburgh and Leith to Mid- and East Lothian, by Robert Stevenson, engineer, ink and colour
WORTH/3/6/3 Report by Robert Stevenson, civil engineer, on railway lines from Midlothian to Edinburgh and Leith, with plans, sections and detailing possible extensions to Dalkeith, Musselburgh, Haddington and Dunbar
WORTH/3/7 Items re Kelso – Berwick Railway
WORTH/3/7/1 Plan of proposed line of iron railway from Kelso to Berwick, ink with colour
WORTH/3/7/2 Report by Mr John Rennie, engineer, regarding the proposed railway from Kelso to Berwick, dated 14 Nov. 1809, printed 1824
WORTH/3/8 Items re East - Lothian Railway
WORTH/3/8/1 Plan by Robert Stevenson, of the Cairnie-Haddington/Dunbar part of the proposed East Lothian railway, with a section. Ink and colour
WORTH/3/8/2 Report of a survey for the East Lothian Railway by Robert Stevenson, civil engineer, with price estimates
WORTH/3/9 Items re Forth of Clyde – Stirling Railway
WORTH/3/9/1 Plan and sections of a proposed railway from the Forth & Clyde Canal to Stirling and Callander, with a branch to Alloa Ferry, by John Steedman, engineer. Ink and Colour, in two pieces 1826
WORTH/3/9/2 ‘Report on the Proposed Railway from the Forth & Clyde Canal at Lock 16 to Stirling, Callander of Monleith and Alloa Ferry’ by John Steedman, engineer. Printed by James Walker, Edinburgh 1827
WORTH/3/10 Newspaper cutting from L. M. H. S. Magazine Jul. 1826 (written in ink) entitled “Some Early Railway Tickets”, brief history of the origins of the railway ticket
WORTH/3/11 Booklet on ‘the particulars of the Grand Suspension Bridge’ over the Menai Straits, built by T. Telford, civil engineer, opened 30 January 1826, fourth edition
WORTH/3/12 Items re Clydesdale – Glasgow Railway
WORTH/3/12/1 Pamphlet entitled “Report relative to the proposed railway to connect the Clydesdale or Upper Coal field of Lanarkshire with the City of Glasgow, and the east and west country markets” by Thomas Grainger & John Miller, civil engineers and surveyors, Edinburgh, including map of route of railway. Engraved by Kirkwood & Son, Edinburgh, printed by J & C Muirhead, Edinburgh
WORTH/3/12/2 No 2 Reduced Plan & Section of the Proposed Railway to Connect the Clydesdale or upper Coal Field of Lanarkshire with the City of Glasgow and the East and West County Markets” by Grainger & Miller, engraved by Kirkwood & Son, Edinburgh
WORTH/3/13 “Howard’s Vade Mecum” Tourist’s Companion from Manchester to Liverpool and the Isle of Mann. Linen-backed, dated 1830 on top in pencil
WORTH/3/15 List of weight of wagons loaded at Manchester. Addressed to Jo. Swenwick, (?) Esq.
WORTH/3/16 'The Importance & Advantages of Railways with Locomotive Engines, especially that from London to Greenwich which was incorporated by Act of Parliament, May 1833.' Printed pamphlet, fourth ed. Addressed to the “Public, the Proprietors of Property along and near the Line of Road and the Shareholders', by a 'Proprietor'
WORTH/3/17 Map showing the York & North Midland Railway, surveyed under the direction of George Stephenson and Frederick Swanwick
WORTH/3/18 London & Brighton Railway, specifications for Merstham Tunnel and tender by Thomas Brassey, and Grand Junction Railway, Penkridge contract and specification, George Stephenson and Joseph Locke engineers
WORTH/3/19 Printed speech by James Morrison, M. P. on railway regulation, made 17 May 1836 (note on top, ‘Mr G Hawton, with Mr Morrison’s compliments')
WORTH/3/20 Items re the Liverpool and Manchester Railway
WORTH/3/20/1 Plan of an intended railway or tram-road from Liverpool to Manchester, surveyed by George Stephenson
WORTH/3/20/2 'Travelling by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1836'
WORTH/3/21 Paper cutting of list of books bought in City or County in any quantity upon the most liberal cash or terms possible, apply Messrs Jaggard, 13 Moorfields, Liverpool. Highlighted entry: Landsear J.: Lancs. Discovery on Manchester and Leeds New Rail Road, Todmorden 1
WORTH/3/22 Schedule of prices, Wolverhampton Contract, Grand Junction Railway [in pencil]
WORTH/3/23 Railway Chronicle Travel Charts
WORTH/3/23/1 London to Wolverton
WORTH/3/23/2 London to Tunbridge, Dover [in pencil]
WORTH/3/23/3 Basingstoke to Winchester, Southampton
WORTH/3/23/4 London to Brighton
WORTH/3/23/5 London to Richmond
WORTH/3/23/6 London to Reading, Oxford [in pencil]
WORTH/3/23/7 Travel Chart, London to Woking, Guildford
WORTH/3/24 ‘Experiments, Practical Working etc., of J. Gray’s Patented Improvements in Steam Engines, etc.'
WORTH/3/25 Prospectus for the Eastern Union Railway extension from Ipswich to Norwich, including details of shares, committee, bankers and map with pencil additions
WORTH/3/26 Map of ‘Improved railway routes between England and Scotland’ in a supplement to the Railway Record
WORTH/3/27 Printed pamphlet entitled 'A Short and Sure guide to Railway Speculation. A Few Plain Rules how to Speculate With Safety and Profit, in Railway Shares. By a Successful Operator.' Dedicated to George Hudson by ‘A Director’. 6th ed, with additions
WORTH/3/28 Railways As They Really Are, vol. VII, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway
WORTH/3/29 Printed pamphlet entitled 'Speed of Railways. The Narrow Gauge Faster than the Broad Gauge', by 'Viator,' demonstration by comparing arrival and departure times of trains on LNW, SW and GW railways that narrow gauge lines are faster than broad ones. '1847' added in ink on cover.
WORTH/3/30 Booklet entitled 'How he Reigned and How he Mizzled a Railway Baillery. York You’re Wanted!' by Alfred Crowquill ‘Delt’ of satirical cartoons relating to the rise and fall of a railway businessman.
WORTH/3/31 London & North Western Railway Co. ‘Copy of Clauses Contained in Different Acts of Parliament Granted for the Making and Maintaining of the Huddersfield Canal'
WORTH/3/32 Booklet containing details of regulations, time, fares and distance tables of the London and Birmingham, Grand Junction and Liverpool and Manchester Companies. '1881' noted in pencil
WORTH/3/33 Items re New Railway Station at Hunt’s Bank, Manchester:
WORTH/3/33/1 Pamphlet on proposed new railway station at Hunt’s Bank, Manchester, by Henry Boddington Jr., including plan and tables
WORTH/3/33/2 Plan on tracing paper of the proposed new station at Hunt’s Bank, Manchester, dated 1882 in pencil. Pencil and colour
WORTH/3/34 'The History of the London and North Western Railway. A Paper' by Clement E. Stretton, C. E. member of the Society of Engineers, Member of the Railway Club…'
WORTH/3/35 Newspaper cutting from City News, about the publication ‘Bradshaw’s Monthly Railway Guide,’ cut out by W. B. Worthington
WORTH/3/36 'LMS' magazine cover and article in memory of Richard Trevithick (other pages cut out); note on cover ‘Trevithick’s Locomotive at Euston Square 1808)
WORTH/3/37 Items re the Manchester Ship Canal
WORTH/3/37/1 Preliminary Prospectus of 'Manchester Ship Canal Company issue of Share Capital in Share of £10 each'.
WORTH/3/37/2 Blank application from for shares in the Manchester Ship Canal Company
WORTH/3/37/3 Intended route of Manchester Ship Canal from Manchester to Eastham on River Mersey
WORTH/3/37/4 Envelope of the Manchester Ship Canal Company containing: ‘Report of the Committee formed to consider the project of the Manchester Ship Canal, to the Board of Directors of the Canal Company’; Manchester Ship Canal Co. private circular promoting the building of the canal
WORTH/3/37/5 'The Manchester Ship Canal: Physical and Engineering Features' by 'an expert', reprinted from the Manchester Journal of Commerce. Published by Charles Birchall at the Office of the Manchester Journal of Commerce
WORTH/3/37/6 Manchester Ship Canal, ‘Estimated expenditure as from 1 Jun.1892, to open the Ship Canal for traffic to Manchester, compared with the resources of the Company’
WORTH/3/37/7 Plan ‘no 2’ of Manchester Ship Canal from Runcorn to Warburton. Ink and colour
WORTH/3/38 List of books on railways sent from Bernard Quaritch, London, noted ‘wrote 4/2/00 ordering 24 to be sent on approval’)
WORTH/4 Items from the Worthington Family Archive
WORTH/4/1 Notebook of Samuel Barton Worthington
WORTH/4/2 Notebook “Our Holiday August 1877 – W. B. W., E. W. & A. H. W.”
WORTH/4/3 Worthington Family album of carte-de-visite photographs