Notice entitled ‘Canal Meeting. Stockton, July 9th, 1818. In consequence of a printed address from Mr. C. Tennant, relative to the proposed Canal between the Western parts of the county and this port, a numerous and most respectable meeting of gentlemen, belonging to this place and its neighbourhood, was held at the Town-Hall to-day.’

Notice entitled ‘Canal Meeting. Stockton, July 9th, 1818 Notice entitled ‘Canal Meeting. Stockton, July 9th, 1818

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Notice entitled ‘Canal Meeting. Stockton, July 9th, 1818
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Notice entitled ‘Canal Meeting. Stockton, July 9th, 1818
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Edward Pease and Jonathan Backhouse listed among the attendees; they would go on to oppose the canal. Printed by Christopher & Jennett.


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