Letter from Mr Cairns to Leonard Raisbeck, Greens Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London

Letter from Mr Cairns to Leonard Raisbeck, Greens Hotel Letter from Mr Cairns to Leonard Raisbeck, Greens Hotel

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Letter from Mr Cairns to Leonard Raisbeck, Greens Hotel
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Letter from Mr Cairns to Leonard Raisbeck, Greens Hotel
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Cairns intimates to Raisebeck that Francis Mewburn went against his word, and he is ‘quite at a loss to account for Mr Mewburn’s conduct’ and ‘cannot see any advantage Mr Mewburn can have in trying so hard to pick a personal quarrel with me’. Attached to the letter is a black seal, en placard.


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