Notice entitled ‘Canal from Stockton by Darlington Westwards’

The notice contains many additions and excisions, announces ‘The Committee appointed for promoting the above measure are now enabled to submit the Estimates directed to be obtained from Mr. Rennie to the consideration of the Public’. The notice then lays out the estimated costs associated with a canal, followed by those of a ‘single Iron Railway with four passing places in each mile’. The railway is shown to be considerably cheaper, to the tune of roughly £35,000 for the main section between Stockton and Darlington. However, the notice continues, ‘it is to be observed that the Tonnage to be conveyed will [increase] so considerably as to require a double Railway which Mr. Rennie is of opinion will cost as much as a canal & it has therefore been determined to prefer the latter’. Details are then given of projected yields, although some of the figures have been left out. The notice further declares, ‘capital is proposed to be raised by transferable shares of £100 each to be deemed personal property & to be paid by such instalments as the progress of the work may render necessary’. This is a hugely significant document, showing the committee’s preference for a canal, at the recommendation of John Rennie, after his surveys had been completed.
- Extent:
1 item
- Identifier:
- RAIS/3/3/14