Business papers accumulated by Timothy Hackworth

Papers of Timothy Hackworth and Jane Hackworth
part of archive:
Hackworth Family Archive
Hackworth, Timothy

This series consists of records accumilated by Timothy Hackworth in the course of his business, there are some family records in this series that were used for dual purposes for example the ‘log book’ (HACK/1/3/2/2) contains family accounts as well as business ones.

Records document Hackworth’s activities whilst he worked for the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Papers are evidence of day to day events as well as showing expenses and accounts for locomotives; some, but not all built by Timothy Hackworth. Records record costs for stationary engines, wagons and the line and tools as well as the wage costs for individuals employed. Also shown is various accounts for businesses and individuals as well as family accounts mentioned above. Drawings show locomotives built by Hackworth for the Stockton and Darlingon Railway. Records also document Timothy Hackworth’s separate business activites whilst he was working for the Stockton and Darlington Railway including records of the locomotive built for St Petersburg Railway, Russia. Records include his son, John Wesley Hackworth’s passport (HACK/1/3/5) granting him access out of the country after he had delivered the locomotive to Russia.


15 items
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