Letter from Samuel Holmes, New Jersey to Robert Young

Correspondence and accompanying documents accumulated by Robert Young and Edith Mary Young
part of archive:
Hackworth Family Archive
Young, Robert
Young, Edith Mary

Asks if received copy of Pangborn's book, Pangborn exhibited at the Chicago Exhibition 1893, he had been promised a copy but Pangborn died; letter from Mr Lord [of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway], he says Timothy Hackworth deserves credit instead of Stephenson; Samuel Holmes has Timothy Hackworth's ledgers re cost of operating on Stockton & Darlington Railway, from Pease, he has a box full of letters and a parchment;

'I suppose you are like us swearing at the 'Hun'. A most marvellous history is being written daily. It is past comprehension that any people could be as ignorant as the Germans. They evidently know noting or next to nothing about English people, and entirely less about Americans. We cannot but regard the people as equally vicious and black as the military set or they would repose to the many [….] things they have done. The world has certainly had its eyes opened, people couldn’t believe it here, it took a long time to realise the situation, as Germans have hitherto had a reputation for intelligence &c but that is all gone, in our opinion they are on a level with brutes & devils. Civilization does not exist with them. In my short exan [?] of life left me, I shall never refuse them again as fit to know.'


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